Miss Rodeo America 2014 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas
Contestants will be finalizing their wardrobes, studying current events, rehearsing their speeches and practicing horsemanship patterns in preparation for the Miss Rodeo America pageant.
Rodeo RoyaltyEach year young ladies 18-25 years-old, representing their home state vie for the prestigious Miss Rodeo America title. The annual pageant brings together the ultimate rodeo queen competition showing the world the talented women behind the state crowns. This year, 28 state rodeo queens representing over half of the United States will compete for the 2014 Miss Rodeo America title December 2-9, 2014 in Las Vegas.
State rodeo queens must first win their state pageant to compete nationally. The premier Miss Rodeo America pageant is a combination of several judged categories including horsemanship, speech, personalinterviews, personality, pose, photogenic, written knowledge and appearance.
According to the Miss Rodeo America website, the organization and pageant competition exists for the purposes of selecting a young lady to serve as an official spokesperson for the sport of professional rodeo and providing educational opportunities for those young women who compete in the pageant.
Two years ago the pageant made an adjustment to align their dates with the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo (WNFR). This provided rodeo fans attending the WNFR the opportunity to watch the pageant during the day and attend performances in the evening. All but two category competitions are held onsite at the MGM Grand Hotel. The Cowboy FanFest will again be the venue for the horsemanship competition at the Las Vegas Convention and MRA Scholarship Foundation auction.
Fashion forward styles are one of the highlights that sparkle during the competition. Vibrant colors, fabrics, textures, accessories and designers create breathtaking wardrobes personalized for state queens. Over the years the western industry has experienced numerous fashion trends. In 2011, the pageant held a vintage theme for the Cowgirl Kick Off Party. The vintage cowgirl outfits provided a parade of styles through the decades including bronco belts, colored jeans, hat brims and tooled leather riding gloves. Last year, each state queen embellished a Wrangler Denim Jacket. The contestants personalized jackets and brought forth their definition of fashion forward.
Over the next few weeks, contestants will be finalizing their wardrobes, studying current events, rehearsing their speeches and practicing horsemanship patterns in preparation for the Miss Rodeo America pageant. For full details visit www.missrodeoamerica.com and follow along as Cowboy Lifestyle Network brings you daily coverage of the pageant live from Las Vegas.
Last Updated on 04/08/2019 by Gretchen Kirchmann
CLN Community & Event Sponsor