Though it’s their inaugural season, the ERA Elite Rodeo Association is coming out the box full steam ahead. Upcoming stops include the Bank of the Cascade in Oregon (April), the Maverik Center in Utah (May), Tingley Coliseum in New Mexico (May, June) and The Family Arena in Missouri (September).
The event calendar also includes stops in Wyoming, Texas, and Louisiana. Each event leads to one the biggest competitions in pro rodeo, the Championship Race to Dallas. This will be a five-day event featuring qualifiers from the season competing for the title of World’s Best Rodeo Athlete.
So, if you love rodeo and the cowboy lifestyle, get your tickets early as the best of the best, including Tilden Hooper, Steven Peebles, Richmond Champion, Ryan Gray and Will Lowe, promise to bring the heat.
2016 ERA Elite Rodeo Association Event Calendar
The Elite Rodeo Association is to pro rodeo what the NFL and NBA are to professional football and basketball, respectively. This organization is the very first representing the best athletes in pro rodeo as they promote their sport while building the careers of both champions and newcomers who will become the stars of tomorrow.
The Elite Rodeo Association is owned and operated by champion cowboys and cowgirls. Among its membership is Charmayne James, Trevor Brazile, and Fred Whitfield. With their pedigree, it was easy enough to put together one of the most exciting seasons of rodeo and family-friendly fun in bronc and barrel racing, bull and bareback riding, team and tie-down roping, and steer wrestling. On top of that, all the ERA action is going to air on Fox Sports 2.
You will also get extensive coverage of the pro rodeo events from Cowboy Lifestyle Network, Ak-Chin Indian Community, and Earnhardt Auto Centers Road Team. Their media teams will be writing articles and releasing videos and photos of the ERA events as they occur. The Cowboy Lifestyle Network is, of course, the leading online resource and community for everything rodeo. In fact, the Cowboy Lifestyle Network has an interactive event calendar for the entire ERA season.
Unlike other professional sports leagues, the Elite Rodeo Association is owned by the athletes. This means the ERA can follow the conscious of its members, which tends to lean toward the sport, the events, and the fans, as opposed to the bottom line. The current interactive event calendar indicates the association is determined to sponsor events that excite and promote the cowboy lifestyle in every way.
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