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94th Annual WMAT Fair & Rodeo


The 94th White Mountain Apache Tribal Fair (WMAT) & Rodeo kicks off Labor Day weekend, August 28th – September 2nd at the Whiteriver Fairgrounds. Located in the heart of Arizona, the White Mountain Apache Tribe is home to 400 miles of beautiful and breath-taking lakes, running rivers, streams. The White Mountain Apache Tribe continues the heritage traditions by celebrating the culture, language, songs, and dances.

The rodeo starts Wednesday, August 28th at 6 pm with Thunder on The Mountain Bull Riding. Thursday, August 29th the Junior Rodeo comprised of two performances at 8 am and 3 pm – cowboys & cowgirls between the ages of 4-17 years compete in an array of events from Broomstick Races to Team Roping. Friday, August 30th at 1 pm is the WMAT All Woman’s Rodeo competing in events such as Team Roping, Breakaway Roping, Barrel Racing, Steer Riding, Calf Roping, Steer Daubing, and Calf Dressing. Sunday, September 1st at 1 pm and 6 pm and Monday, September 2nd at 1:30 pm is the All Indian Pro Rodeo including events Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bull Riding, Steer Wrestling, Tie-Down Roping, Team Roping, Barrel Racing, and Breakaway. Be sure to stick around after the last performances each night for a live concert.

The White Mountain Apache Tribal Fair & Rodeo offers something for everyone with events happening all around town. The Miss WMA Princess, Miss WMA Queen, and WMAT Rodeo pageants, sports tournaments including basketball, co-ed softball, volleyball, and baseball. Saturday, August 31st at 9 am be sure to head to Downtown Whiteriver for the Southwest Fair Parade. The Frazier Show Carnival complete with rides, games of skill, and tasty food treats will have you smiling all weekend long. Visit the website for tickets and more information about the White Mountain Apache Tribal Fair & Rodeo.

Make sure to catch all the behind the scenes action with Cowboy Lifestyle Network as we hit the chutes and catch all the action. You can find us on Facebook and Instagram with all the rodeo fun. Stay tuned!

Last Updated on 09/03/2019 by Becca Mosher

About the Author:


Hey y'all! I'm Becca Mosher, CLN author. I am a witty, fearless, open-minded, and ambitious old soul who loves everything that the rodeo trail has to offer, from the atmosphere and livestock, to the people and core values. After 8 years of working in the legal field I decided to chase my passion for the western lifestyle and turn it into a career. I am blessed and honored to be a part of the CLN family.

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