Attention Arizona residents! The Arizona High School Rodeo Association State Finals are approaching and it would be a great place to bring the family for a fun-filled day of rodeo. Come out and watch these kids compete at their best, in hopes to earn a top 4 spot to the National High School Rodeo Finals! It will be held in Payson, Az at the Payson Rodeo Grounds, June 6th through the 8th.
A few months back I had the opportunity to interview Annabelle Hampton the 2018-2019 Arizona High School Rodeo Queen. We discussed her techniques and what drives her to be the best she can be while preparing for Nationals. Well, this past week I sat down with her again, with only two weeks left before the finals to get her perspective. I asked her roughly the same series of questions as I did in our last interview, to kind of get an update on where she is now with preparing for her last High School State Finals.
How much of your time do you believe you have spent preparing for State Finals?
“Ever since summer break started I have been spending almost all of my time tying goats/ practicing and working out to ensure that I am physically in shape for State and hopefully Nationals”
What events are you hoping to do well in, so you can earn a top-four spot to Nationals?
“ I am hoping to do well in Goat tying and Pole Bending”
Are you nervous, considering this will be your last year to qualify for Nationals?
“I am not nervous to compete because I know I will have chances to make the College Finals, but I am more nervous on making my horses proud. After I am finished high school rodeoing, I will no longer have my pole bending horse. So I really want to give him the opportunity to compete at Nationals.”
Rodeo is a tough sport and if you ever want to be good and make a name for yourself, you have got to be 110% dedicated. For all of you competing at the Arizona High School State Finals, I would like to wish you luck! It’s tough competition especially when everyone has the same goal of making into the top 4 places in their event.
For anyone in the area wanting some good wholesome fun for the day, you should definitely consider making a trip the Payson Rodeo Grounds. The kids would love to have a cheering section in the stands! So good luck to all competitors, I hope everyone has a great time competing at finals and makes a great impression on the dance floor at Cowboy Prom!
Last Updated on 06/05/2019 by Sarah Serrano-Smith
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