Looking for something to do January 13th-16th? Consider attending the updated Art of the Cowgirl 2021 at Horseshoe Park and Equestrian Centre in Queen Creek, Arizona. Typically a full event, the Art of the Cowgirl team made the difficult decision to postpone the Master and Clinician Demonstrations, trade show, music, and workshops of their main event until summer after restrictions resulting from Covid-19. Thankfully, they were still able to host some competitions and their third annual horse sale. Learn more about the events below!
Schedule of Events for Art of the Cowgirl 2021
Wednesday, January 13th
- 9am | Arena 3 | Herd Work Preliminaries of the World’s Greatest Horsewoman, presented by Western Horseman.
Thursday, January 14th
- 8am | Arena 1 |World’s Greatest Horsewoman Reining Preliminaries
- 9am | Arena 3 | Sale Preview
- 11am | Arena 4 | Team Roping
- 11am | Arena 2 | All-Women Ranch Rodeo Double Doctoring
Friday, January 15th
- 8am | Arena 1 |World’s Greatest Horsewoman Steer Stopping & Fence Work
- 9am | Arena 3 | Sale Preview
- 9am | Arena 4 | All-Women Ranch Rodeo – Team Roping
- 12pm | Arena 2 | All-Women Ranch Rodeo – Branding
- 5pm | Arena 2 | Open Branding
Saturday, January 16th
- 9am | Arena 1 |Horse Sale Roping Preview
- 9am | Arena 4 | Breakaway Roping
- 9am | Arena 2 | Horse Sale Trail Preview
- 10am | Arena 3 | Horse Sale Cutting Preview
- 11:30am | Arena 1 | All-Women Ranch Rodeo – Ranch Horse
- 3pm | Arena 1 | Calcutta & World’s Greatest Horsewoman finals & awards
- 6pm | Arena 1 | Elite Horse Sale
All Women’s Ranch Rodeo
About the Events
Double Doctoring
Four contestants enter the arena all on horseback where one cow is turned loose. The team must head and heel the first cow, put him in a stretch, and chalk the head before the second cow is let loose. The team must then head and heel the second cow and put it in a stretch. Time will stop when the head of the second cow is chalked.
Two unmarked calves will be in the branding pen. Two team members must head and heel one calf. The ground crew can not leave the circle until the calf is headed and heeled. The “branding iron” can leave the circle at any time, but there will be a 30-second penalty if it touches the ground. The animal must be branded in the correct spot with the brand right-side up and visible. An incorrect brand will result in a 60-second penalty.
Ground crew and ropers will switch and repeat the process. The calf can only be roped when both ground crews are in the circle. The ground crew can leave the circle to strip any illegal head catches or belly ropes but must return to the circle before the calf is roped again.
- Illegal head catches or belly ropes must be stripped and animal re-roped. The neck and one front leg are legal.
- Time will stop when branding iron and both ground crew are back in the circle, and ropes are off the calf.
Team Roping
Four members will compete, 2 steers roped at the same time. Declare partner before the event – each partner will wear the same colored armband. They are allowed 3 loops per steer in a 90 second time limit. Both steers must be roped and stretched before time stops. They are allowed no time on 1 steer.
Ranch Horse
Each team must designate one team member/horse to compete in the Elite Ranch Horse. Their scores will count towards both the rodeo aggregate and Elite Ranch Horse event/side pot. One competitor will enter the arena, do a simple reining pattern, then call for their cow. Upon receiving a cow in the arena the contestant must hold that cow on the prescribed end of the arena for a sufficient time to demonstrate the ability of the horse to contain the cow at that end (box). After a reasonable amount of time, the contestant must take the cow down the fence, past the center marker, and make at least one turn each way on the fence. After completing the fence turns required, the contestant can release control of the cow. Contestant must track and make a legal head catch, dally, and stop the cow. Dragging the cow in the opposite direction is not required.
Art of the Cowgirl Elite Horse Sale
The Art of the Cowgirl Elite Ranch Horse Sale is a unique event that will offer a select group of horses that are the product of some of the handiest women in the ranching industry. You can expect to find a small group of horses that showcase an equally talented group of horsewomen, and provide the highest quality prospective mounts for potential buyers. Their goal is to exhibit the kind of horses that have seen a real “hard days work”, and have been exposed to a variety of situations.
We want potential buyers to feel like they not only know the horses being offered personally, but the individuals who are consigning them as well. Through photos, videos and frequently updated information on each Sale horse, we want those who are interested in purchasing a horse to feel like they’ve rode along with these ladies while they doctor cattle, wean calves, ship in the fall and all the other tasks expected of these horses day to day. This sale is about promoting each talented horsewoman’s own program and building relationships that could potentially last a lifetime.
This sale will include money earners in Ranch Rodeo events, Rodeo events, Cow horse and Ranch Horse Versatility. The sale will also feature seasoned ranch and trail horses. There is a small number of young prospects available, all of which have a superb foundation and are ready to go on towards a variety of disciplines. Each horse will have a basic veterinary inspection at check in of the sale. If the consignor has current X-rays those will be available upon request. No horses will be sifted unless they do NOT pass the vet inspection prior to selling.
You can register to bid online here.
World’s Greatest Horsewoman
This Elite Reined Cow Horse Event is in the style of the NRCHA World’s Greatest Horseman. Each competitor will compete in four preliminary events including Reining, Herd work, Steer Stopping, and Fence Work. This event pays homage to the working cowgirl during the finals, where the Top 10 Finalists will compete for the title of World’s Greatest Horsewoman.
Open Breakaway Roping
Saturday, January 16th at 12 pm
- $250 Entry
- 70% Payback
- Buckle to Winner
- Limited to 100 Entries
- Enter up to 2 Times
- 2 Full Go Rounds
- Top 20 on Two Head to Short Round
- Pre-Enter by January 8th
- Late Entries Accepted ($25 Late Fee)
Click here to enter, or for any additional information.
The Art of the Cowgirl events will be live-streamed online at artofthecowgirl.com. Tickets will not be required for those coming to spectate. Arizona COVID-19 mandates will be followed.
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