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CLN Insider: James Dupre

From First Responder to Country Crooner, James Dupre graces us with a full new album for the first time since 2016. โ€œI wrote the title track, Home and Away, a couple of years ago and it quickly became one of my favorite originals to play live,โ€ says Dupre. โ€œMy last album was released in 2016, so I knew I was past due for another one. We decided that Home and Away was going to be a single, but that I needed to write a few more songs to complete the album. Just as COVID-19 was making its debut, I had all the songs ready for the studio. Over many Zoom meetings, and a very tedious socially-distanced few months, my producer Matt McClure worked his magic and made the most beautiful record I couldโ€™ve imagined.โ€

Originally from Louisiana, James says he became an EMT because it was the logical next step for him at the time. Quitting college to pursue music, things werenโ€™t taking off like he had hoped. โ€œMy dadโ€™s been a paramedic since I was 6 years old, so Iโ€™d been around it most of my life. My thoughts going in were โ€˜Ok, Iโ€™m doing this temporarily until I write a hit song or get a record deal and move to Nashville.โ€™ Itโ€™s hilarious to think now how very little I knew about the music business. Through those 6 years as an EMT, I started writing songs, got better at guitar, gained a following on YouTube, made an appearance on Ellen, signed a record deal, and moved to Nashville.โ€

Home and Away debuted on all major music platforms in September 2020. In that short amount of time, Dupre has gained millions of streams on multiple songs from the record. โ€œI want the world to hear this album, not just for commercial success, but because I believe itโ€™s truly the best that Iโ€™ve ever had to offer as an artist up to this point in my life and career. Once we can have concerts again, I plan to tour. In the meantime, Iโ€™ll continue to write, grow, enjoy being with my family, and being a dad.โ€

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