Diana, Princess of Wales, was often photographed with her famous clutch purse. The timeless fashion icon designed her clutch purses to match outfits. No doubt cowgirls want an alternative to carrying a clear Ziploc bag to compliment their Wrangler attire.
In a telephone call with Hutch Leather Works, I mentioned the new policy. The duo of Todd and Angie Hutchins designed a leather clutch specifically for the upcoming WNFR. While it might be hard to pare down the contents of every handbag, they determined the most frequently used items for their consumers.
“Our list of priorities was a cell phone, credit cards, money and room for a little touchup makeup. So we made sure there were pockets for each of these and miraculously ended up with this sleek hand clutch,” stated Angie Hutchins, co-owner of Hutch Leather Works.
Visit www.hutchleatherworks.com to design a custom leather clutch to fit your style and order before the WNFR.