Coors Banquet fundraiser again benefits Wildland Firefighter Foundation
As the temperatures rise this summer in the West, so does area’s risk for wildfires. Each year, wildland firefighters risk their lives to battle blazes and keep communities safe. The Coors Banquet Protect Our West (POW) campaign again supports these firefighting teams by donating funds.
American CharitiesAs the temperatures rise this summer in the West, so does area’s risk for wildfires. Each year, wildland firefighters risk their lives to battle blazes and keep communities safe. The Coors Banquet Protect Our West (POW) campaign again supports these firefighting teams by donating funds.
For the last several years, Coors Banquet has sponsored the Protect Our West campaign and donated a portion from the sale of each case or case equivalent of beer, in draft, bottles or cans through. These donations benefit the Wildland Firefighter Foundation, a group that helps injured firefighters and families of fallen firefighters.

Do your part and donate to the Wildland Firefighter Foundation
Based in Boise, Idaho, the Wildland Firefighter Foundation provides support in many ways, including covering travel costs to bring family members to an injured firefighter’s bedside, or helping to replace wages lost during a firefighter’s medical leave.
Unlike other natural disasters, wildfires are frequently caused by people. While lighting strikes can also cause wildfires, many are still caused by human error. We can also help support our wildland firefighters by doing our part to help prevent wildfires.
The National Geographic magazine offers a list of fire safety tips in a recent article. These include never leaving a fire unattended, but instead dousing a fire with water and stirring the ashes before going to sleep or leaving the campsite. The article also advises caution with lanterns, stoves and heaters when camping. People should also avoid throwing cigarettes, matches and smoking materials from moving vehicles, or anywhere in a forest.

Coors Banquet fundraiser again benefits Wildland Firefighter Foundation
If you need to burn yard waste, follow local ordinances and avoid burning in windy conditions. Always keep a shovel, water and fire extinguisher nearby.This year’s dry, warm conditions make for a prime wildfire season in the West. Let’s all do our part by helping prevent wildfires when we can. We can also help benefit Protect Our West the Wildland Firefighter Foundation with purchases of Coors Banquet!
Last Updated on 05/07/2019 by Carolyn Sostrom
CLN Community & Event Sponsor