Full of rich history, Bagdad, Arizona, is a copper mining town that is one of only two company towns left in AZ. Located only an hour and a half away from Prescott, AZ, Bagdad would make an excellent day trip for adventure seekers, and what better time to visit the historic town than during the Copper Spur Round Up Rodeo?
The Grand Canyon Pro Rodeo Association (GCPRA) sanctioned rodeo, taking place June 1st, 2019, at Copper Spur Arena, is in its second year running and is set to attract hundreds of guests. Read below to learn more about the event!
The Copper Spur Round Up Rodeo includes all of the signature rodeo events: barrel racing, saddle bronc riding, bareback riding, breakaway roping, tie-down roping, team roping, steer wrestling, and bull riding. In addition, there will be ranch bronc riding for spectators to enjoy.
For those who are new to the world of ranch bronc riding and are wondering what makes it different from saddle bronc riding, cowboys and cowgirls competing in ranch bronc compete in a working saddle rather than the hybrid bronc saddles that are used in saddle bronc. Furthermore, ranch bronc is designed to more closely resemble what it’s like for a working cowboy to break a horse and is considered to be the father of contemporary rodeo events.
Specialty Act
Rodeo clown Bob Weir has been in the business for over 31 years, and is a pro at entertaining guests with famous acts including his clown car performances. Weir also announces rodeos, and has won awards for both his specialty act and his announcing.
2019 Polaris Ranger Raffle
Attendees of the Copper Spur Round Up Rodeo have the opportunity to purchase a raffle ticket for a chance of winning a 2019 Polaris Ranger. There are only 300 raffle tickets available for purchase, so be sure to visit copperspurrodeo.com to buy your ticket today!
Keep your eyes out for the Cowboy Lifestyle Network team as they hit the town of Bagdad for the 2019 Copper Spur Round Up Rodeo.
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