Come one come all to the Darby Riggin Rally 2022! The Rally will include the top 24 Bareback Riders from the PRCA and a $50,000 purse. See it for yourself in beautiful Darby, Montana on June 4th and 5th.
Bareback riding has been around for as long as the sport of rodeo itself. The event is judged in two areas. 50 points go to the horse for how hard he or she bucked and the difficulty for the cowboy. The other 50 points go to the rider on how well they stayed in position and how controlled the horse. Both scores combined for a shot at 100 points total.
The Darby Rodeo is a great weekend to bring the family out for western entertainment. Stay up to date on ticketing and time changes on their Facebook page, Darby Rodeo 2022. You’ll be seeing the top cowboys and top roughstock animals in the world! Tickets are on sale now! Visit www.darbyrodeo.org or in person at Murdoch’s in Hamilton, Darby Wine & Spirits in Darby.

Saturday, June 4th
- The qualifier round will start at 2:00 pm. Gates will open at 1:00 pm!
- There will be live music by 406, Wild Prairie Smoke & Western Front to follow!
Sunday, June 5th
- Gates open at 2:00 pm.
- Pre-event festivities will be at 4:00 pm.
- The first horse will buck at 6:00 pm
- Contestants meet and greet to follow!
- Come meet some of the great talents themselves, such as Kaycee Fields, 5x World Champion of the World. He is also last year’s world champion at the 2021 Riggin Rally.

Ticket prices start at $25 and continue up. Don’t forget the bring the family for concerts, great food, and western fun! The event will be held at Rodeo Road Darby, Montana. Located on the west side of Highway 93, north of Darby School, follow the School Drive Look signs. Can’t miss them! For more information and updates check out their website, Facebook or Instagram. Also, feel free to contact them at darbyrodeoarena@gmail.com.
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