Earnhardt Auto Centers has been a household name in the Valley and state for decades. Founder Tex Earnhardt started in 1951 with a Ford franchise at age 20, making him the youngest-ever Ford franchise dealer. Over the years, Earnhardt Auto Centers grew into 17 locations representing 16 brands. Though he died in 2020, Tex’s oft-repeated catchphrase, “That ain’t no bull,” still encapsulates the company’s business philosophy.

Earnhardt also recognizes the importance of its female customers, noting that women represent some 60 percent of new car purchases. Earnhardt’s Woman to Woman car buying service offers resources to help women feel confident throughout car purchase and ownership. The Woman to Woman website includes resources, car care tips, a link to shop for cars through NoBull.com, and a list of car care clinics and events.

“Woman to Woman was created to combat the insecurities around the car buying process and create an environment where women can feel empowered to control the car buying process and remain knowledgeable during the lifetime of the vehicle,” says Earnhardt’s Woman to Woman website.

If you’re interested in a new car and would like an Earnhardt representative to contact you, call 480-783-4611 or email WomanToWoman@Earnhardt.com. Contacting them will not commit you to purchase a vehicle, but will help to establish a relationship when the need arises. So why not try it out soon?

Members of the Earnhardt family still take a leading role at many Earnhardt dealership locations. Tex’s honesty and “No Bull” approach continue to live on in the company’s day-to-day business operations. If you’re looking for a new experience with car buying, check out Woman to Woman and follow them on social media. You can also complete the car buying process mostly online through Earnhardt’s No Bull Express online car buying service. Or visit your closest Earnhardt dealership or Earnhardt Auto Centers online any time to shop for your next car!
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