Do you have a long commute? How about an upcoming road trip? Wherever the road takes you in your Earnhardt vehicle, podcasts can keep you entertained. Check out Wild About Arizona, the official podcast of the Arizona Game and Fish Department! New podcasts are released monthly.

Through collaboration with Arizona Game and Fish, Earnhardt Auto Centers promotes this podcast and other resources through social media with the hashtag #ArizonaGameandFishFridays. Search for this hashtag to find posts and information about our great state!

Through the podcast, you can discover new ways to enjoy the outdoors and learn about the 800 species looked after by Arizona Game and Fish, according to their website. From wildlife watching, hunting and fishing to off-road riding and boat safety, the podcast discusses outdoor recreation opportunities in Arizona for you and everyone in your family.

Recent topics have included Watchable Wildlife, Desert Tortoise Adoption, the Ben Avery Shooting Range, and podcasts about bats and rattlesnakes. In December, biologist Chrissy Kondrat discussed the Christmas Bird Count. This winter bird population survey has been coordinated annually by the National Audubon Society for over a century. The data assists with monitoring winter bird populations across North America and helps to assess the overall health of the environment.

Do you like off-roading in your Earnhardt vehicle? If so, don’t miss the episode Off Highway Vehicles in Arizona! It covers places to go and things to see, all while riding and operating your vehicle safely.

Check out the podcast covering the Ben Avery Shooting Range if you enjoy shooting. Founded in 1957, Ben Avery is one of the largest publicly operated shooting ranges in the country and averages more than 120,000 shooters per year. The range sits on 1,650 acres in north Phoenix, directly behind the Arizona Game and Fish Department headquarters.

You can access the Wild About Arizona podcast online or subscribe through your favorite podcast service. So wherever you’re driving, make sure your Earnhardt vehicle is ready to go and you have the Wild About Arizona podcast primed!
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