With rising gas prices and warm-weather vacation drives on the schedule, you may feel like you’re constantly filling up your gas tank this summer. Did you know there are some easy steps you can take to improve your gas mileage? Learn these and other car care hints from #TuesdayTips brought to you by Earnhardt Auto Centers.

Several easy steps can help to improve your gas mileage. For example, properly inflating your tires can boost your mileage by up to 3.3 percent. Using the correct oil for your car can also help improve gas mileage by 1-2 percent.
A few other fixes can increase your gas mileage even more. Replacing clogged air filters helps. Also be sure to replace damaged, loose or missing gas caps as they can allow gas to escape and vaporize.

Visit Earnhardt Auto Center’s Facebook page for more #TuesdayTips. Another recent #TuesdayTips suggestion from Earnhardt Auto Centers offers recommendations for Arizona’s upcoming monsoon season, including switching out your car’s wiper blades at the beginning of each summer. Arizona monsoons can bring intense, sudden rainstorms, so it’s a great time to get new blades, and to also make sure you keep your washer fluid full throughout the season.
Other #TuesdayTips include steps for accurately checking your car’s oil levels, meanings of different warning lights, and recommendations about spare tires. Did you know that most spare tires are designed to be driven only about 50 miles, and at a maximum speed of 50 miles per hour? Also, not all new cars come with spare tires. You may need to purchase a spare to keep in your trunk. Check this out now, before you need it!

Check out #TuesdayTips from Earnhardt for other helpful car pointers and suggestions. And visit Earnhardt Auto Centers in person or online for your next car purchase! You’ll find the same “No Bull” experience first established by founder Tex Earnhardt.
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