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How to Retire a Cowboy

In my line of work nothing comes easy. I’m constantly getting kicked around and beat up by one thing
or another. Iโ€™m a Cowboy and I’m always heading to some rodeo somewhere. No rest for the wicked

In my line of work nothing comes easy. I’m constantly getting kicked around and beat up by one thing or another. Iโ€™m a Cowboy and I’m always heading to some rodeo somewhere. No rest for the wicked right? So you can see what I mean when I say I’m always catching a beating. If it the bull at the rodeo, its the highway. The Problem is I aint sure which one beats me the worse.
There are few things in this world that I can call a mainstay in my life. But, at least when I pullover to catch up on some shut eye I can count on logging in to The Cowboy Network. Itโ€™s a part of my job but its also a way for me to stay in touch with the people that I’ve grown to know and love. I have to check up on the latest records and scores, and see where I should be heading to next. But, probably the biggest part of what I have to do is get all my lodging and travel arrangement made. This is the newest part of the site but I’ve been using it for a while now. So far it has been quite handy to me. Itโ€™s incredibly easy to go there figure out where I’m gonna be next and make my plans from there.
A typical night for me involves logging into my travel channel at CLN and finding the best rates for the things I need. These things can change from town to town so I canโ€™t really make advanced reservations. But, I still need to be able to get the best rates available and I need to know they are guaranteed for when I get there. So, thatโ€™s one reason why I use Cowboy Lifestyle Network.
This is a rough Lifestyle and I’m not sure if I’d ever wish it on anyone. Now, that being said everyone I know does rodeo. So it only makes sense for us to try and help each other out like we always do. But, I kept this to myself for a while until my buddy’s started asking me why I started flying to the shows instead of taking the bus like I used to. Personally I don’t think they cared why I wasn’t riding with them anymore. They just wanted to know how I was able to afford it, I thought they knew. Everyone knows about the site but I guess they all didn’t know about the CLN travel channel.
Well, now they do. They are all signed up and they signed up with me. That means every time one of them catches a plane, stays in a hotel, rents a car or anything like that, I get paid. Being in the rodeo I have friends that use the travel channel everyday for something. At this rate I’ll be able to retire soon.

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