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Items You Should Always Have in Your Horse Trailer


If you’re anything like me, you want to be ready for anything, especially if you’re traveling with horses! I thought it would be helpful to put together a guide of the items that you should absolutely always have on hand in your horse trailer when traveling. This is a complete guide that has everything you might need from personal items to horse items to truck items and everything in between. Hope you enjoy!

Truck & Trailer Tools

A flat or blown tire is inevitable, so you’re going to want to make sure that you have all the tools necessary to make your job easier, to get you back on the road. The less time your horse(s) can be stuck on the side of the road, the better. First and foremost, we want to make sure you know how to change a tire (if you don’t then get watching internet tutorial videos or ask a handy friend to teach you). After that lesson, you can start getting all your tools together:

  • A tire iron (make sure that it fits the tires for your trailer)
  • Trailer block
  • WD-40
  • Flashlight
  • A full toolset (they make portable ones that stash away pretty easily)
  • Utility knife

First-Aid For Your Horse

Once again, it isn’t a question of if, it’s a matter of when your horse will hurt itself. And trust me, chances are, they take every opportunity to do it while on the road. I have several favorite first aid items, but you should have these equine first-aid basics on hand:

  • Vet wrap (LOTS)
  • Gauze
  • Roll cotton
  • Leg wraps
  • Bute/Banamine
  • Mineral oil
  • Thermometer
  • Antimicrobial skin and wound cleanser
  • Blood stopping powder/solution
  • Saline solution
  • Scissors
  • Latex gloves
  • Probiotics for traveling

Horse Care

Because you never know when your trip might go longer than you intended. So make sure you pack:

  • At least 2 extra buckets (one for water, an extra just because)
  • Extra hay, pellets, or grain
  • A pitchfork
  • A broom
  • A horse blanket
  • Extra halters

Human Things

Everyone knows that your horses are more important but you do need some items for yourself as well, so make sure to pack these items to ensure you are comfortable on your journey, no matter what gets thrown your way:

  • Spare clothing (even underwear)
  • Rain gear
  • Sunscreen
  • Advil/Tylenol
  • A human first aid kit
  • Pillow and blanket
  • Bottled water and some non-perishable snacks such as granola bars
  • Plastic cutlery
  • Toilet paper
  • Folding chairs (optional)
  • Gloves
  • Jacket (if cold)

Horse Tack Items

Everyone needs extra tack in their horse trailer and I always live by the two extra rule. You should always have at least two extra of these items living in your trailer 24/7:

  • Reins
  • Stirrup leathers
  • Bits
  • Grooming brushes
  • Saddle pads
  • An extra rope (you never know!)
  • Cinches
  • Breast collards
  • Bridles

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About the Author:


Hi everyone! I'm Krysta Paffrath, I am a proud Arizona native who has a passion for everything business and rodeo. I am beyond thrilled to be the Editor in Chief for Cowboy Lifestyle Network. With my background in digital marketing and rodeo, this was a natural fit for me to join the team. My adventurous and entrepreneurial spirit has guided me to work in many places like the WYO Quarter Horse Ranch in Thermopolis, Wyoming, a working cattle ranch in Seligman, Arizona, and many places in between. I am passionate about preserving the western way of life and working with different brands and rodeos to make that happen. If you're looking for a write-up, please shoot me an email at Learn more about me at Looking forward to hearing from you!

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