Justin Work Boots give-a-way at the Bakken Oil Workers & Oil Service Expo
Justin Workboots partnered up with Cowboy Lifestyle Network and Brent Barker from Energy Factoring, for a Justin Work Boots give-a-way at the Bakken Oil Vendor Expo where four lucky people in the Bakken walked away with a brand new pair of Justin Work Boot’s for participating in the presentation of the Justin Workboots and Energy Factoring showcase.
Country LifestylesThe oil worker lifestyle relies on Justin Original Workboots

Source: http://www.usasymposium.com/bakken/
A large gathering of the oil business community took place this last month during August 20-22, 2013, at the Bakken Oil Workers & Oil Service Expo in Minot, North Dakota. This oil vender expo brought together new companies and services to ultimately create a networking environment that promoted the motto “bonding for success” to be better acquainted with the surrounding community. Oil companies, engineering, logistics, services, suppliers, investors and everyone else involved in oil business gathered to check out the 1,200 indoor and outdoor exhibitors.
Those engaged in the oil worker lifestyle all rely on specific gear in order to get the job done. The average American oil worker seeks the best materials with the best price. When it comes to work boots, there is only one pair of boots that fits the lifestyle’s definite standard: Justin Original Workboots
The hard workers within the oil industry rely on a variety of Justin Original Work Boots because of it’s affordable prices, irreplaceable quality, flexible comfort system, and all-around safety with an innovative combination of toe construction and other innovative features. Keeping ankles, toes, and feet comfortably protected.

Justin Original Workboots and the oil industry lifestyle is a match mate in heaven…
Justin Workboots partnered up with Cowboy Lifestyle Network and Brent Barker from Energy Factoring, for a Justin Work Boots give-a-way at the Bakken Oil Vendor Expo. Four lucky people in the Bakken walked away with a brand new pair of Justin Work Boot’s for participating in the presentation of the Justin Workboots showcase. Brent Barker with Energy Factoring did a phenomenal job with the Justin Work Boots give-a-way. Cowboy Lifestyle Network was pleased to be apart of this years Bakken Oil Vender Expo and we hope there will be just as good of a turn out as there was this year at the Justin Work Boots give-a-way showcase.
Special thanks to Justin Original Workboots, Energy Factoring, and Blue52 Productions for all their hard work this year at the Bakken Oil Workers & Oil Service Expo in Minot, North Dakota.
Last Updated on 05/02/2019 by Aaron Kuhl
CLN Community & Event Sponsor