It’s a common quandary among car owners — do I take my car to the dealership for service or should I bring it to a local mechanic?
If you have a newer car, you may still be covered by the dealer warranty, making it an a easy choice. Otherwise, what are the advantages of going to a dealership versus a neighborhood mechanic?
One reason to use a dealership is the expertise you’ll find. Dealership mechanics are specifically trained on your vehicle. They also participate in ongoing training, according to an Edmunds.com article. However, this training can often result in higher prices for the consumer. Dealership service departments will use parts made specifically for your vehicle.
That’s not to say that you won’t find a highly trained mechanic and manufacturer parts at your local auto repair shop. Many mechanics are trained and certified by specific manufacturers and by ASE (Automotive Service Excellence). You’re also more likely to build a long-term relationship with your neighborhood mechanic.
A dealership is more likely to offer a shuttle back to your office or home if you need to leave your car, and may be able to provide a loaner car if the work will take more than one day. A local mechanic might not have the manpower to offer these services.
Manufacturer recalls are more easily managed from a dealer service department. The department will usually check for recalls for your specific vehicle whenever you bring it in. According to the Edmunds.com article, local garages often do have access to recall information too. However, you’ll usually need to pay more for this service because your vehicle’s warranty is not valid at an individual garage.

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