Horses are beautiful beings and very fast when it comes to running and racing. What would be more exceptional than to compete man against a horse in a race? Imagine presenting your stamina and speed against that of a horse.
Denise Enke Latimer and Freddy Enke
About the Man against Horse Race The
man against horse race dates back to 1980 when a gentleman suggested that man could be equal to that of a horse over a substantial distance across the country. The event hosts each October in Prescott, Arizona. The racers run simultaneously over 25 or 50-mile courses over rough and bumpy country terrain with horses. The path along the way escalates roughly between 5,000 and 7,600 feet in altitude.
The event is paired with endurance on the rocky trails in the
Mingus Mountain of Prescott National Forest in Arizona. Running fans and enthusiasts all come together to enjoy the challenge of man and horse compete on three loop tracks. It involves a 12-mile progression of rolling terrain along with two 25 mile and 50-mile paths of rough climbing elevation. The runners and horse riders compete concurrently to the finish.
2016 Man against Horse Race Event Details ![]()
In its 33rd year, the event is scheduled for October 1st, 2016. Registration and vet exams are scheduled at the Base Camp for Friday, September 30th from 3 – 6 P.M. Packets for competitors should also be picked up at same location and time or acquire the packet by Saturday at 5 A.M. The start times for the 50 mile run, and trail ride is scheduled for 6:30 am on the 1st. The 25-mile run and ride follows it at 7:30 A.M. The 12-mile run is at 7:45 A.M. A 12-mile trail ride is scheduled at 9 A.M.
Headquarters for the event is at the Base Camp located at Highway 89A and
Fain Road in Prescott, Arizona. All entrants receive multi-colored T-shirts and those who finish the 50-mile run receive souvenir buckles. The ceremony after the event for the 12 mile is at noon and 6 P.M. for the 25 and 50-mile runs. A barbecue follows between 4:30 and 6 P.M., free to runners of the 25 and 50 runs, $7 for 12-mile participants, and $12 for other guests. The full event will be covered by the CLN.
Denise Enke Latimer, Freddy Enke and Shani Boesen
Denise Enke Latimer, Freddy Enke and Shani Boesen
About the CLN The Cowboy Lifestyle Network (CLN), Ak-Chin Indian Community, and Earnhardt Auto Centers Road Team is the media team that will be highlighting the Man against Horse Race 2016 in Prescott, AZ. CLN is the leading online source and community for everything rodeo and not a television magazine or newspaper company. They are an online source for everything cowboy.