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Country Cooking

Mexican Hot Chocolate

This is a chocolate lovers delight! Call in the cowboys for this sinnfully delicious drink that will warm them from their cowboy hats to their spurs!

Mexican Hot Chocolate

This is a chocolate lovers delight! Call in the cowboys for this sinfully delicious drink that will warm them from their cowboy hats to their spurs!
2 c. milk
1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 cinnamon stick
1-oz. semisweet chocolate chips
3 drops vanilla extract
Whipped cream, for garnish
ground nutmeg or colored sugar sprinkles

In a saucepan, heat the milk, ground cinnamon and cinnamon stick until simmering. Add the chocolate chips and let melt. Remove from heat and add vanilla extract. Pour into mugs and serve with whipped cream. Sprinkle with ground nutmeg or colored sugar sprinkles!

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