Mike Mathis Takes on Helotes Cornyval & PRCA Rodeo 2022
The one and only Helotes Cornyval and PRCA Rodeo 2022 is kicking off on Thursday, April 28th through Sunday, May 1st in Helotes, Texas! This year will be the 57th year of Cornyval and the 37th year of the PRCA Rodeo. Helotes is located on the far northwest side of San Antonio, Texas in Bexar County at 12210 Leslie Rd, Helotes, TX 78023.
Renowned PRCA Rodeo Announcer, Mike Mathis is the voice for the Helotes Cornyval and PRCA Rodeo. This event is close to Mike’s heart as he’s been the Cornyvals rodeo announcer for the past 30-plus years! Mike’s a notable cowboy with a voice you certainly cannot forget.

Mike was born and raised in Lufkin, Texas, and has been very passionate about the western way of life since the beginning. His father and family owned, operated, and ran the local feed store. It eventually grew to offer even more on top of feed such as farm supply, fertilization, landscape, etc. His family continued to operate the business up until they sold it a few years ago. Mike had grown up around animals and it turned into a natural progression.

Mike attended college and graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. While attending college, Mike was on the rodeo team. Once he graduated he came back to Lufkin, TX, and worked in the banking business there for a number of years. Mike continued to be involved in the rodeo world and joined the Lions Club in Lufkin, TX. They put on an annual rodeo, the Angelina Benefit Rodeo and Mike has been very involved for many years now. He is currently the rodeo chairman for the Angelina Benefit Rodeo/Lions Club.

Some friends of Mike in the western industry, Quail Dobbs (barrelman), the Steiners (Steiner Rodeo Company), and James Harper (Harper & Morgan Rodeo Co) gave Mike an opportunity to announce at a rodeo. Mike had subbed one night for an announcer who couldn’t make it to the rodeo and from there, his rodeo announcer journey began to grow. Mike did some amateur rodeos for a period of time, got his PRCA card around 1983, and then got lucky enough to get a few pro rodeos.

Mike’s hard work and dedication was noticed as he received some great help along the way from Dodge Ram, Wrangler, Justin, and a host of other great partners. Mike continued to grow, he eventually left the banking business and took on rodeo announcing full time since the 1990s. He takes on around forty rodeos a year around the United States and Canada. Mike has been the rodeo announcer for the PBR World Finals, NFR (National Finals Rodeo), and the Texas Circuit Finals.

Mike’s favorite thing about being able to work in the western industry is simply everything. He enjoys the rodeo, the people, the communities he gets to experience, and being able to be around those great people and cowboys who are a part of this awesome industry.
“That code of the west is still alive and still real. I’ve always said there’s a little bit of cowboy in everybody just a matter of how much of it comes to the front. But I’ve been lucky enough to get to be a part of it, enjoy it, and share it.”
– Mike Mathis

Mike let us know how the Cornyval stands out from other rodeo events. Mike stated, “I think every part of it, number one the facility itself, the uniqueness. The beauty of the hill country where you are and the fairgrounds that they’ve worked so hard on. The fairgrounds in Helotes is just an oasis. There are forty-eight acres that make up these fairgrounds with an annual celebration from vendors to great entertainers, a carnival, and a rodeo. It’s just very unique. It captures so much of small-town community life, and at the same time has all the trappings of a really big city quality event.”

Photo Credit: Cowboy Lifestyle Network
Be sure to come on down to the Helotes Cornyval and PRCA Rodeo and see the renowned, PRCA Rodeo Announcer, Mike Mathis in action. He’ll leave you with a smile on your face and keep you up-to-date on the rodeo action! The rodeo will consist of women’s barrel racing, breakaway roping, bareback bronc riding, saddle bronc riding, team roping, steer wrestling, tie-down roping, bull riding, and don’t forget mutton bustin’! There will be cash prizes and a Champion Buckle will be awarded at each event!

Photo Credit: Cowboy Lifestyle Network
This year’s 2022 spectacular event consists of four nights of the action-packed carnival and three nights of PRCA rodeo. The Cornyval will start Thursday, April 28th, and go through May 1st. The PRCA rodeo will be kicking off on Thursday, April 28th through Saturday, April 30th! It’s the fastest-growing rodeo spectacle in the country. Thursday will be supporting the blue & first responders-Wrangler and Helotes Rodeo has come together to make this a special night. Friday night is Bud Light night and it isn’t a rodeo without a cold one! Lastly, Saturday the Helotes Rodeo represents unconditional support for our Veterans.

I hope y’all can come down to Helotes, Texas because this is one incredible event. Come make new memories and experience the Helotes Cornyval and PRCA Rodeo 2022. I’ll see ya there!
Helotes Cornyval and PRCA Rodeo 2022
Thursday, April 28th through Sunday, May 1st
12210 Leslie Rd, Helotes, TX 78023

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