Categories: Rodeo Celebrities

The Assassin, The Bandito, and This Chick: Miss London Gorham

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London Gorham, BBR World Champion and 5X American Semi-Finals Qualifier
Photo courtesy of Alex Trevors, Trevors Photography

2018 BBR World Champion on Fortunes Flame

Qualified for The American Semi’s on 5 Different Horses:




I suppose I have the same questions in life as many others. I’ve often wondered just what is my purpose? Who am I? Am I headed in the right direction?

And then, I meet this chick. Her name is London Gorham. London won the 2018 BBR World Championship (on Fortunes Flame), is a 5-Time American Semi-Finals Qualifier, and she is all of ten years old.

London and “Fortunes Flame”, the horse she won the BBR World Championship on.

She knows who she is, where she’s headed, and who is responsible for herself. I know, because I asked her, and without a second’s hesitation, she told me so confidently, so honestly, and so quickly – that I was taken aback.

I suppose I expected her to properly giggle or hem-haw around for an answer that would befit a ten year old; but she did not. It was then that I decided this ol’ gal here could learn something from Miss London Gorham!

Here’s how part of our phone interview went:

Me: “London, I’ve read all about your strong rodeo roots within your family, your coach and best friend James Barnes; and how supportive your Mom is of you. I’m just wondering, who is your biggest mentor? Who is the person that drives you the most?”

London: “Me.”

Her mother, Amanda Lyne, later texted me to explain more about London’s matter-of-fact, and quick answer:

“London doesn’t even think about her competition….she’s her only competition and that’s why she answered you the way she did earlier. You can’t worry about anyone else. Stay in your lane and focus on you. She will say “The difference between me and them is I don’t think about them at all.”

London on Fortunes Flame at the All American Youth – 2nd Go Round – Jackson, Mississippi.
Photo courtesy of Springer Photography.

Amanda continued, “Consistency is KEY!! “

We spoke at length on the importance of having a team; as well as other tools for success.

Amanda wrote to me, ” I’m behind the camera, do all the work, pay for everything, enter her, haul her everywhere, give her all the tools she needs to be a champion and she gets it done at 10 years old. God gave her a gift. I just nourish it.”

The London Gorham Team


“God gave her a gift. I just nourish it.”  – London’s mom, Amanda Lyne
– Photo courtesy #imagehounds.

“We can only offer them the tools…what they choose to do with it is up to them. Both of my children are fierce competitors”, stated Amanda.
In fact, her 20 year old son, Tanner Green, competed in the Tie-Down Roping at the 2018 American Semi-Finals, alongside his kid sister. In addition, her uncle, JB Mauney competed there. It certainly was a family affair!

I asked London if she leaned on her older brother at all during the nerve-racking competition, and she recollected, “I think we said something like ‘good luck’ at the hotel, and then we just went and did our own thing”.

An important member of their team is London’s coach and mentor James Barnes. He first became a team member through social media, and is now very close friend.

When London’s Mom saw James at a mutual friend’s place, she remembered a  humorous comment made by James on Facebook when she purchased Shawnees French Bug A.K.A. “Thump” from Alexis Willis: “If Thump ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!”, James commented.
“I asked him if he would mind working Thump and Assassin before London ran them. Give them a little tune-up. He did, and the rest is HISTORY!! Best decision I could have ever made…we are a TEAM…we all work together!!”, said Amanda happily.

“As you can tell, she LOVES James more than ANYTHING!!! She doesn’t work the barrels unless James is present” – Amanda Lyne

And London really does appreciate her rodeo roots. With regard to her famous grandpa Phil Lyne, “Londie calls him “Da World Champion of pretty much EVERYTHING!”, says her Mom.
She continued with,  “My father (5-time World Champion) tells everyone Londie  is “VERY COACHABLE”…In order to succeed it is imperative that you be coachable.”

London and her coach and friend, James Barnes confer in the stall barn.

She has a NATURAL FEEL…can’t be taught or bought.”


“London’s success hasn’t happened overnight. She  has been competing since the age of two – so realistically, she has seven or eight years under her belt”, her Mom explained.  

“She rides every, single, day. She’s the only one who rides her 4 yr old mare, “Repo”. That takes dedication.”

London on Fyrefly, by Famous Bugs A.K.A. “Repo”

Thank you London Gorham; for reminding this ol’ gal what it means to “stay in your lane”, use your gifts from God, and utilize the tools given you in life.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to know London and her Mom, Amanda. And, plan to take a serious look at life, goals, and the tools in my possession; in order to assess what can still be accomplished in the next seven or eight years of my own life!

Eileen Moss

Born and raised on a cattle ranch on the Flathead Indian Reservation in northwest Montana, Eileen graduated from University of Montana - Western with a Business Degree. She is the mother of two grown children - Sydnee, and Billy Quade; and grandmother of two, Lillian and Rocky Rex. Eileen draws from personal, life experiences; as she has held many positions over the years including heavy equipment operator, member of a survey crew for Independence Mining, veterinary technician, Bud Girl for Anheuser-Busch, PR Director for the Idaho Cowboys Association, feed manager for Midland Bull Test Station in Columbus, Montana, National Event Coordinator for Montana Silversmiths, security guard for the Muskogee Creek Nation One Fire Casino, Marketing Director for the Tulsa RV Ranch, and freelance writer for various publications - including a weekly column for three years in the "Elko Daily Free Press" in Elko, Nevada. She enjoys training barrel horses and singing - and has sung the National Anthem for rodeos such as the Reno Rodeo in Reno, Nevada, the College National Finals, and the New Year's Eve Bull Bash in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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