DENVER, Colo. (Jan. 26, 2025) — Championship Sunday at the National Western Stock Show Rodeo gave fans the chance to watch as 12 competitors in each event battled for the 2025 titles. Those riding and roping in Denver Coliseum had run the gauntlet of the tournament-style rodeo and advanced to the finals from Saturday’s three semifinals.
The team roping championship went to a pair of National Finals Rodeo (NFR) veterans – Luke Brown of Rock Hill, South Carolina, and Pueblo’s Trey Yates. The duo roped their steer in 4.0 seconds to win the championship.

Yates has a family history here that spans generations. His aunt Kelly Yates competed in the barrel racing again this year, as she has done for decades. Trey had previously roped at the National Western with his father J.D. Yates whose history at this rodeo goes back to roping with Trey’s great-grandfather.
Barrel racer Carlee Otero broke her pelvis in December at the NFR in Las Vegas. She competed in several rounds there despite having to be lifted onto her horse. She took the last half of December and early January to try to heal but was back in the saddle at the National Western. The Perrin, Texas resident was the final cowgirl to compete in a tight championship round that had three runners clocking times in the late 14.7-second range and just one-hundredth between each of them. Otero rode her young palomino gelding named Blingolena (nicknamed Sly) and when they finished the cloverleaf pattern, their time was 14.71 seconds to earn the championship.

Wacey Schalla of Arapaho, Oklahoma, the reigning college champion, scored 90 points on Cervi Championship Rodeo’s Vitalix Anthrax to win the bull riding title. He edged out eight-time world champion Stetson Wright who is returning to competition after sitting out the entire 2024 season. Wright came into the National Western as a last-minute replacement and took advantage of the opportunity. He finished second after scoring 89 on Cervi’s bull Ringling Road.

Other champions crowned on Sunday were Kooper Helmburg of Marshall, Missouri, with 87 points on Cervi Championship Rodeo’s Pearl Harbor in bareback riding; Gavin Soileau of Bunkie, Louisiana, with 4.0 seconds in steer wrestling and Zac Dallas of Las Cruces, New Mexico, with 86.5 points on Cervi’s Vitalix Ricky Bobby in saddle bronc riding. Co-champions were crowned in tie-down roping when Brushton Minton of Witter Springs, California, and Trevor Hale of Perryton, Texas, both turned in times of 7.3 seconds.
The National Western Stock Show will celebrate 120 years January 10-25, 2026.
Results from the National Western Stock Show Rodeo are available here –
About the National Western Stock Show — Established in 1906, the National Western Stock Show is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization that provides college and graduate level scholarships in agricultural-related fields of study. Its mission is to serve producers and consumers throughout the world by being the premier stock show, equestrian competitions, and center for year-round events. The 16-day show also serves as an entertainment arena, hosting one of the world’s richest regular season professional rodeos, family and educational shows plus Colorado’s larges western trade show. For more information, visit
Last Updated on 02/03/2025 by Cowboy Lifestyle
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