(March 2012)Β CLN witnessed cowboys risk it all in the toughest & most unforgiving sport in the world during Β Professional Bull Riders’ Glendale Invitational held at the Jobing.com Arena in Glendale, AZ.
CLN Host, Maegan Dail, goes back stage to interview the Trainers, Bull Fighters, and Bull riders of PBR. Meet PBR Sports Medicine Trainers Rich Blyn, Dave Edwards, & Peter Wang as they talk about what it takes to get these cowboys ready, & what it takes to patch them up afterward.
Bull Fighters, Shorty & Jesse, say a few words about what they do. Keep in mind hese guys weigh about 200 lbs, & they fight bulls weighing 2,000 lbs for a GOOD TIME.
PBR Bull Rider, LJ Jenkins, talks with Maegan about his bull ride on the beast named Dream Coat at Glendale, & how he has kept his arms attached.
In addition, you will see “Behind the Scenes” of the PBR fans.
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