How to enter:
Post a photo of Your Personal American Hero who made a difference in your life on Instagram, Twitter or our Facebook wall with the hashtag #SabasHeroes and a caption describing why they are your American hero. Our judges will then draw the 3 winning entries from all the submissions.
Specifications for Photographs:
The photograph must be of one person who is (a) personally known to the Nominator, (b) has granted the Nominator permission to submit the photograph in the Draw, and (c) is alive at the time the photograph is submitted. The photograph must be an original photograph taken by the Nominator or for which the Nominator otherwise has all rights necessary to grant the license for use to Saba’s Western Stores, including the express permission of the person who took the photo, if other than the Nominator, to submit the photo in the Draw. Photos may not contain nudity, third party logos or trademarks, content that is obscene, indecent, racist, inflammatory, violative of the intellectual property rights of any other party, or any other content which Saba’s Western Stores, in its sole discretion, finds to be inappropriate for inclusion in the gallery. Photos cannot have been made available to the public previously in any third party publication of any type and cannot have been submitted previously in connection with any other contest, sweepstakes, competition or promotion of any type.
(Translation in Simple English: You must know the Nominee and everyone is cool with us using the pictures in public. Plus, it is the holidays so be nice. Some of you may have to fake it, but give being “nice” a try. It will surprise you.)