When people think about war heroes, it is likely that they do not think about horses. However, Sergeant Reckless, a pint-sized mare of only 13.1 hands, was a hero who was responsible for saving many lives during the Korean War.
While Reckless may have seemed like an ordinary mare to some who didn’t know her well, she became the only animal to ever receive an official rank in the Marine Corps. Her bravery is what earned her a place in history. During a particularly difficult battle, Reckless made 51 trips, all by herself, to and from the battlefront where her companions were fighting and a supply point.

Photo courtesy of Sgt Reckless Facebook.
It was not unheard of for Reckless to commute over 30 miles in a short amount of time while transporting wounded soldiers. She often faced unbearably harsh conditions, but she never backed down from her work and never quit until her job was over. In fact, even when the little mare was injured by shrapnel, she continued delivering supplies to soldiers.
Can you imagine this incredible mare remaining calm and collected as she walked through battlefields, guns, and cannons going off all around her? Her bravery and composure are what led the Marines to accept that she was, without a doubt, one of them to the core.

Photo courtesy of Sgt Reckless Facebook.
Reckless lived through the war and went on to live in the United States; she resided in California until her death in 1968. The extraordinary horse received two purple hearts before she passed away, as well as many other awards and medals…symbols of the lives she not only touched but saved.

Photo courtesy of Sgt Reckless Facebook.
If you would like to learn more about this incredible horse, Sgt. Reckless: America’s War Horse by Robin Hutton is an incredible read that takes readers on a journey through the life of the most decorated war horse in history.
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