BISHOP, California – For many horse racing fans, this Triple Crown season can be subtitled ‘Failure To Launch’. The Kentucky Derby bloomed all full of the blanket of red roses hope and excitement just to be ended in a disgusted heap for fair weather patrons of the sport. Here’s a tale of sweet redemption with an unlikely heroine mule, named Two.
Two is out of a daughter of AQHA racing champion, Mr. Eye Opener, by a 54” donkey, and owned by Mark and Bobbi Ward of Wilburton, Oklahoma. No strangers to victory, Mark has driven Two and her full sister, Three, to victory and titles at the National Championship Chuckwagon Race in Clinton, Arkansas, before deciding that the fast mule had potential in the barrel racing event. A quick call to longtime friend and 23-time world champion barrel racer, Lance Graves got an immediate ‘yes’. Since they’ve added a pair of barrel racing championships to Two’s portfolio and a special bond that grew around the long-eared talent who’s known for being nothing but courage and honest effort.
Not a crew to rest on their laurels, in late May they rolled out of the Oklahoma hills bound for the world-famous Bishop Mule days and the new challenge of straightaway racing. Two and her favorite jockey Lance Graves, launched a ONE DAY racing reign of terror winning at 200, 300 and 400 yards by margins reminiscent of Secretariat himself to earn the Bishop Mule Days Celebration Racing Championship.
“Two is quiet, confident and not unique,” said Graves. “She’s not a horse, nor is she a donkey. She’s a staunch competitor and she has never let what she was, dictate WHO she has become. She’s my heroine and every day I want to #BeLikeTwo!”
Last Updated on 07/18/2019 by Lori O’Harver
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