Western Fashion

CLN Exclusive with Western Influencer, Shelby Smith

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Here at Cowboy Lifestyle Network I love highlighting individuals throughout our industry! Today I have a special interview with Western Influencer, Shelby Smith. As a multi-published model in the industry, she was on the cover of the May Edition of RockN W Report Magazine and one of the top 5 finalists for the 2020 RockN W Report’s Girl Boss Awards for Best Western Fashion Blogger. Recently she was published in Cowgirls In Style Magazine which was released at the 2021 Wrangler NFR. In addition to being featured in several publications, she also released her own NFR fashion collection with Ranch & Famous Boutique in October 2021. Some other professional highlights include:

  • Designing and partnering with Baha Ranch Western Wear on a swimsuit line for Summer 2022, Yeehaw X Southern Beauty.
  • Being featured on the Chadbourn Street billboard for Ranch & Famous Boutique 5 times during the 2019-2021 & 2022 San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo as well as the Cinch Roping Fiesta.
  • She is the official designer of swimwear and several other western fashion pieces for Ranch & Famous Boutique. Her swimsuit line is called Ranchy Swimwear.
  • Then in May of this year, she was a guest speaker for the Women’s Western Summit that was put on by Sophia Sulzner, speaking on western influencing and brand ambassadorships.
Raquelin Guerrero Photography

Shelby lives by the entrepreneurial aspects of the western fashion industry and has the experience to back it up. Let’s jump into her interview!

Krysta: Can you tell our audience a little about yourself?

Shelby: I am from Junction, TX, down in the hill country. I am a teacher and grew up in agriculture doing everything from 4-H to working on the ranch, I’ve always been involved with my family. My family roots run pretty deep in the industry. I rodeoed in my youth but since I went to a high school where there was no such thing as a high school rodeo team, I had to give it up. I sold my horse when I lost the place to keep her and just focused on school and 4-H. While I was a senior, I met my boyfriend Dillon, whose family is a rodeo family. Because Dillon is a team roper, I found myself getting back into the rodeo groove. Nine years later, we’re still going strong and have a hat business together! Our hats have our brand on them that represent a family that’s strong like the rodeo community.

Raquelin Guerrero Photography

Krysta: How did you get started in being a western influencer?

Shelby: I have been modeling for the western fashion industry for 6 years but it all started when I looked in the mirror one day and I saw a person full of insecurities. I told myself that it was time to break out of that shell and find my true self. I tried all sorts of modeling but I felt most at home in the western industry because it reminded me of where I came from. Once I felt comfortable in my own skin, I kept going. Along my current journey, I have made some amazing connections and met some incredible people. I absolutely love representing them and their stories. Every brand has a different story and every owner has had their fair share of struggles trying to get their success. If it wasn’t for these brands giving me a chance and investing in my dream, I would have never known what it was like to represent them and what they stand for.

Raquelin Guerrero Photography

Krysta: What makes your approach to being an influencer unique from others?

Shelby: If you were to ask any brand I’ve worked with you would find that I am very passionate about the brands that I represent. I am also genuine and authentic. I also have a bubbly personality.

Krysta: Where do you hope to be in the next three years?

Shelby: I have big goals to reach. I hope to be higher than I am now in the next 3 years. My main goal right now is to make the 2023 Class of 30 under 30 for Cowgirl Magazine. I also am aiming for publication in Western Runway Magazine and Cowgirl Magazine. I am also hopeful for a chance to collaborate with Wrangler or Cavenders. I also have a goal set to hopefully become a model with Denim & Velvet Marketing. I have ideas in the making to have a felt hat designed and released with JW Brooks Custom Hats as I am currently a JWB Endorser. I want to be more widely known in the rodeo community and western fashion industry so I can shatter the labels that are out there of you have to be a certain person to gain any ground. I’m all about being true to yourself and being authentic so when people see you in person you are the same person that’s on social media. I want to accomplish my dreams because they won’t chase me back, I have to go for it.

Raquelin Guerrero Photography

I want to give a huge shout-out to Shelby for her time during this interview and if you’re interested in following her journey, make sure to follow her on Instagram at @southern_beauty113.

Krysta Paffrath

Hi everyone! I'm Krysta Paffrath, I am a proud Arizona native who has a passion for everything business and rodeo. I am beyond thrilled to be the Editor in Chief for Cowboy Lifestyle Network. With my background in digital marketing and rodeo, this was a natural fit for me to join the team. My adventurous and entrepreneurial spirit has guided me to work in many places like the WYO Quarter Horse Ranch in Thermopolis, Wyoming, a working cattle ranch in Seligman, Arizona, and many places in between. I am passionate about preserving the western way of life and working with different brands and rodeos to make that happen. If you're looking for a write-up, please shoot me an email at krysta@clngo.com. Learn more about me at krystapaffrath.com. Looking forward to hearing from you!

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