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2014 PBR at US Airways in Phoenix

The 2014 PBR Built Ford Tough Series was a true display of man vs. beast at the US Airways Center in Phoenix, AZ on March 8-9th. CLN has all the highlights!

2014 PBR Built Ford Tough Series comes to Phoenix, AZ

PBR_CLN_unk2It was a true display of man vs. beast at the US Airways Center in Phoenix, AZ on March 8-9, 2014. The biggest bucking bulls in the world matched up with bull riders on the top of the PBR bull riding standings. This two-day event proved to be everything and more. With some of the biggest bucks to the most amazing rides and wrecks, there is no other better display of athleticism in the world of sports when it comes down to having no fear to gain all the glory.

Slivano Alves

Slivano Alves at PHX PBR

It was a breathtaking battle as bull riders like Silvano Alves, Valdiron de Oliveira, L.J. Jenkins, Emilo Resende, JB Mauney and many more matched up against the rankest bulls like Asteroid, Smackdown, Mick E Mouse and Rango. Of course, don’t count out Bushwacker, as this ultimate bucking beast has bucked off more professional bull riders in the entire sport with a total of 56 outs with only 1 current ride claims to hold #1st place amongst all the rank bulls in the 2014 World Standings.
As the action unfolded, Flint Rasmussen, the exclusive entertainer of the (PBR) Professional Bull Riders and host of “Outside the Barrel with Flint Rasmussen,” did what he does best as he amused the enlivened US Airways crowd. But don’t count Rasmussen out, he is a true athlete and one of the funniest entertainers in the business. Flint Rasmussen always has original acts and has more energy than a fusion reaction. Before arriving to Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix, Rasmussen posted on his Facebook page:

PBR_CLN_flint“Home. Just in time for radio show. Tired. Big Weekend. Tired. Need to adjust. Iron Cowboy and American, awesome. Body hurts. Phoenix this weekend. Warm. I will kick its ass…”ย -Flint Rasmussen

The competition was thick, but one bull rider separated himself from the rest as he displayed some of the most unbelievable 8 second rides on Saturday night and Sunday morning. Who is this PBR bull rider? Well he is the won theย 2013 PBR World Finals in Las Vegas, the one and only, JB Mauney. The defendingย World Champion Bull Rider proved himself once again walking away with the victory at US Airways in Phoenix.
Cowboy Lifestyle Network was there to capture all the action, including CLN Host, Crystal Rae Coddington, as seen on the official Cowboy Lifestyle YouTube video above. Cowboy Lifestyle Network even spotted bull riding legend Gabe Lopez of Ak-Chin Indian Community in the crowd.ย In fact, Arizona Diamondbacks starting pitcher, Wade Miley was there with CLN team watching this adrenaline-packed event.
Thanks for stopping by Cowboy Lifestyle Network and stay tuned for more coverage of ย the 2014 PBR Built Ford Tough Series. Click on’ and hang on’!


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Hello, my name is Aaron Kuhl. I am an Arizona native from Tempe, Arizona. The Western way of life has been rooted in my foundation since day one, with my Mother working for Wrangler Western for over 30+ years growing up. I am proud to have been a part of Cowboy Lifestyle Network since the beginning days of the company after graduating from The University of Arizona. My Faith, Family & Friends are my whole world, and I am very blessed to live the life I live in the land of the free, the United States of America.

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