Get ready to rope in some fun this October 20th-26th at the 37th Annual ACTRA National Finals in Reno, Nevada! Presented by Wrangler and Processional’s Choice, the 2019 ACTRA Finals are bringing the-best-of-the-best ropers from around the country to the Reno-Sparks Livestock Event Center for a week of thrilling action.
The American Cowboy Team Roping Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the best roping experience for their members. Whether you compete in team roping, ladies breakaway roping, or the Heel-O-Matic roping, the ACTRA National Finals has something every cowboy and cowgirl will enjoy.
With over $1,000,000 in cash & awards, the 2019 ACTRA National Finals is not only bringing winnings to the best team ropers in the arena but also to dedicated and hardworking students through the Earl Hall Scholarship Roping occurring on October 22nd. ACTRA is also roping in kind deeds for the community through their ACTRA Ladies in the Loop Catastrophe Fund Booth.
Tuesday through Saturday, the Ladies in the Loop Catastrophe Fund Booth will be presenting hourly auctions and raffles. In addition to funds raised at the booth, funds from the Catastrophe Fund Banquet & Auction will be collected and donated to ACTRA members in need. In between events, check out the booth, bring an item to donate, and see just how the ACTRA is giving back to their community.
It is with the help of sponsors such as Total Feeds, INC. that wonderful events such as the 2019 ACTRA National Finals thrive. Total Feeds is proud to help sponsor this year’s national finals and is a top choice among many of the top ropers in the country.
“Total Feeds is dedicated to providing the highest quality feed products for a wide range of animal species. Dr. R. Harry Anderson’s 48 years of experience formulating animal rations, and his endless search for the best ingredients have gone into every formula we make. From our first product Total Equine® produced in 2000, to our more recent specialty formulas, the focus has always been on optimum health and performance through excellent nutrition.” – Total Feeds Mission Statement
For information on hotel discounts, local dining options around Reno, and a full schedule of events click HERE!
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