30th Annual National Finals of Team Roping
October 27 – November 2 at the Oklahoma City Fairgrounds

Photo Courtesy of USTRC Finals Facebook
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The USTRC’s National Finals of Team Roping will be taking place at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds – Sunday, October 27 through Saturday, November 2 (events begin daily, at 8AM). The Finals will utilize the Main Arena and the other two side arenas at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds for the weeklong event.
2019 will be the 30th Annual Finals; and the USTRC proudly touts their finals as the world’s largest and consecutively-running team roping event, awarding over $400,000 in prizes!
The USTRC, with humble beginnings in 1990, is the mother of a successful, competitive platform based upon a classification/numbering system. Since then, the equine performance group of team ropers has grown to a worldwide membership of 200,000; competing for over $70 million in purses each year.
The weeklong USTRC National Finals has something for everyone.
As a Competitor, any individual from age 17 – 99 has an event specifically tailored to him or her. As a Spectator/Fan, one can see any level of expertise rope from professional to amateur. As a Western Life Enthusiast, the USTRC National Finals will be host to the USTRC Trade Show; one of the nation’s premier western trade shows – and we all know that Christmas is right around the corner!

Photo Courtesy of USTRC Finals Facebook
Sunday, October 27
Gold Buckle Beer Open Qualifier
#16.5 USTRC Championships
YETI Open JR – (for junior competitors, aged 17 yrs, as of January 1, 2019)
80% Cash Payout; $2,500 in YETI Product; GIST Trophy Buckles; and 5 Qualification Positions to the JR World Finals in Las Vegas, NV (Dec 5-14 at the LV Convention Center)
#13.5 Daily Double Qualifier
Monday, October 28
#14.5 USTRC Shootout
#13.5 USTRC Shootout
#12.5 Daily Double Qualifier
#11.5, #12.5, #14.5 Jackpots; followed by #12.5 & #10.5 American Cowboy Qualifiers and American Cowboy Matches
Tuesday, October 29
#12.5 USTRC Shootout
#11.5 Daily Double Qualifier
Cinch Ladies #11.5 Event
80% Cash Payout; Cinch Wardrobe, plus $1K Cinch Cash Bonus; GIST Buckles; and a
Bob’s Custom Saddle to the Year-End High Point
#10.5, #11.5, #12.5 Jackpots; followed by #12.5 & #10.5 American Cowboy Qualifiers and American Cowboy Matches

Photo Courtesy of USTRC Finals Facebook
Wednesday, October 30
#11.5 USTRC Shootout
YETI #10.5 Junior with #8.5 Incentive (for junior competitors, aged 17 as of January 1, 2019)
80% Cash Payout; $2,500 in YETI Products; GIST Buckles; 5 Qualification Positions to the JR World Finals in Las Vegas, NV (Dec 5-14 at the LV Convention Center)
#10.5 Daily Double Qualifier
Challenge Roping #10.5, #9.5, #8.5, #7.5; #10.5 Jackpot; #12.5 American Cowboy Qualifier; followed by #10.5 American Cowboy Qualifier and American Cowboy Matches
Thursday, October 31
#10.5 USTRC Shootout
$100,000 RAM Truck #11.5 Event
80% Cash Payout; 1st-5th $20K RAM Truck Vouchers ($10K – Header/$10K – Heeler); Bob’s Custom Saddles; and GIST Buckles to 1st Place
#9.5 Daily Double Qualifier

Photo Courtesy of USTRC Finals Facebook
Friday, November 1
#9.5 USTRC Shootout
#9.5 Two Case IH Tractor Event
80% Cash Payout; Case IH Tractors awarded to 1st Place (one to Header/one to Heeler); and GIST Buckles
#8.5 Daily Double Qualifier
Challenge Roping #10.5, #9.5, #8.5, #7.5; #8.5 Jackpot; #7.5 Pick/Draw Jackpot
Saturday, November 2
#8.5 USTRC Shootout
#9.5 Century Specialty Event (Must be 40 years of age)
#7 Pick & Draw
Challenge Roping #10.5, #9.5, #8.5, #7.5

Click here for Buy 2 Get 1 FREE Wrangler Jeans Promotions & $10 Shirt Rebate starting Oct. 17th-27th at Tener’s and Langston’s in Oklahoma City!
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