Another Great Arizona Season
As May comes to end so does the Arizona Junior Rodeo Season. But not to fret a new season will start up once again with a new set of young cowgirls and cowboys coming in, although we will be sad to see the older athletes age out we know they are off to accomplish great things in life. The new rodeo season will begin in the fall of 2019! So make sure to fill out your entry forms and a new year membership form as well!
The Arizona Junior Rodeo Association is an amazing organization that goes above and beyond when it comes to educating their members on the importance of western heritage. Being a past AJRA member, I can full-heartedly say that the organization is very much including of everyone and makes every rodeo feel as if you are at a large/ wild family reunion.
On a different note, the season did end with a BANG! With the annual Arizona Junior Rodeo Association Finals, held in Prescott Arizona. The top 10 from each age group in each event were chosen to compete at finals. The AJRA does not compete at the national level, so whoever came in the top places at finals were the overall winners.
Awards such as saddles, blankets, spurs, buckles, etc. Were given out to the kids with the highest amount of points. First in the all-around and in each event were awarded trophy saddles, second place athletes were given a buckle and third place was awarded a Best Ever Saddle Pad. If you would like to see the year-end results you may visit the Arizona Junior Rodeo Association website, there you will find results and any upcoming information.
Congratulations to all the winners. You guys worked hard all season to earn enough points to be awarded a year end prize. And thank you to all the parents and season directors for ensuring that all members were getting down the road safely and making sure that every rodeo ran smoothly. We appreciate everything you guys do for us and wouldn’t be where we are without your constant support and words of wisdom. Good luck on the 2019-2020 rodeo season!
Last Updated on 05/31/2019 by Sarah Serrano-Smith
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