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Photo Credit: Cameo

Leave it to Cameo – The Safe Horse Fence

Traditional fences can cause more damage to your horses leaving them with torn muscles, lacerations, and even broken bones. It can be a nightmare with the reality of your horse running up against a traditional fence. Cameo – the Safe Horse Fence has you covered. They offer strong but flexible fencing with visibility that isn’t overly intrusive. It’s durable but affordable on any budget. Unlike traditional fences, Cameo is easy to install and modify.


Horses are comforted when they can see each other. They are fight animals and pack animals. When they are scared they tend to panic. In that case, they run fast and are sometimes stronger than we imagine.

Photo Credit: Cameo
Photo Credit: Cameo

High visible fences give horses a sense of security but at the same time, they want to be able to see each other. Safety is a priority, you want a fence that is strong enough to withstand a falling tree but one that doesn’t hurt a horse that is panicked and in fight mode. 

Photo Credit: Cameo

Cameo Technology

Cameo is a high-tech polymer providing safety and strength. It’s lightweight, a thousand-foot reel only weighs around fifty pounds. The headaches of installing traditional fencing can be left behind you with Cameo. You don’t have to worry about heavy rolls of wire or boards to haul around. This means no wear and tear on your body, no back-breaking work stretching non-climb, or building H-braces. Plus you’ll have more time on your hands as the job for installation is faster than you can imagine. 

Photo Credit: Cameo
Photo Credit: Cameo

It comes white in color and is highly visible for your horse. For the colder months, black winter β€˜snow lines’ is offered upon request. One of the secrets of Cameo is its flexibility, it’s been tested to stretch over 20% before breaking with a 1200lb strength per line. The flexibility eliminates the β€œcheese cutter effect” horses could experience from high tensile fencing. Horses would simply back off of it and if a large tree were to fall on the Cameo it’d often recover with just a minor tensioning pull. 

Photo Credit: Cameo

Cameo Looks

Traditional meets high tech and simplicity. You’ll be able to see clean, thin lines and a lack of H-Braces which makes for an unblemished, orderly view. You’ll see the beauty of your horses and the contour of your land. 

Photo Credit: Cameo
Photo Credit: Cameo

Affordable Pricing

You’ll be amazed at how cost-efficient Cameo is. If you’re in the market for high-quality fencing that is also an affordable option then this is for you. Cameo has experience in building board, non-climb, vinyl, and high-tensile fencing, and they’ve studied the various costs at length. They do encourage you to do your own price analysis where you’ll discover and become amazed at how Cameo compares with existing systems. You’ll see how pleasingly affordable and one of the most affordable horse fencing options available. Don’t forget the ease and speed of Cameo installation while also having fewer dollars spent on fences and unnecessary vet bills which means more dollars in your pocket. It’s a win-win for you and your installers. There’s a lot to love when it comes to Cameo. They are there for you and won’t disappoint. For more information please visit

Photo Credit: Cameo

Last Updated on 12/22/2023 by Megan deFabry

CLN Community & Event Sponsor

About the Author:


Howdy, I'm Megan deFabry, I grew up in Reno, Nevada & I now reside in Austin, Texas. I'm very passionate about digital marketing and journalism, especially within the Western industry. I'm driven by faith, and have a love for the outdoors, agriculture, rodeos, country music, and maintaining the Western way of life!

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