The sign read “Discover the Black Hills National Forest” and that is exactly what Cowboy Lifestyle Network intends to do over the next few weeks.
In partnership with the Coors Banquet’s pledge to Protect Our West and the Wildland Firefighter Foundation we want to share with you a few road trips.
So this July follow along as Cowboy Lifestyle Network explores the Black Hills National Forest and surrounding state and national parks including the Badlands and Devils Tower National Monument.
ExploringΒ Black Hills National Forest
Our first leg of the Protect Our West trip on July 1, 2014 took us west on Interstate 90 just across the border in Wyoming.
Wildland Firefighters are part of a whole team of forest service personnel working to keep grasslands and forests safe.
Due to the rainfall in the 125 miles of Black Hills the landscape is abundantly green.While Devils Tower is about 30 miles off I-90 the beauty of the geography often had me reflecting on the line in the Cowboy’s Prayer about heaven and salvation through Jesus Christ, ” …that when we make that last inevitable ride, to the country up there, where the grass grows lush, green, and stirrup high, and the water runs cool, clear, and deep, that you’ll tell us our entry fees are paid.”
Driving along highway 24 with cattle grazing it sure looked like heaven on earth.
Once on the Tower Trail around the base of the monument charred logs and trees are noticeable.Β A quick glance through the newspaper presented at the park entrance explains the controlled burn in 2013 to reduce the amount of fuel (dead trees and brushy undergrowth) and non-native plants in the forest grasslands.
On the eastern side is a view worth capturing on camera.Β For tourists seeking a bit of early cowboy history the Campstool Ranch est. 1882 is within view and Hulett, Wyoming is only nine miles further where Bob CoronatoΒ has his western art studio.
Cowboy Lifestyle Network grabbed apples, packed water and made peanut butter and strawberry rhubarb sandwiches.
Tweet us your must-have trail snacks!
Thank you to our rodeo friends Duane and Claudette Reichert for making us homemade jelly to include in the snack pack.
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