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Granger and Amber Smith’s Video Tribute to Their Late Son, River

Granger Smith has been making the headlines lately but not for what most singers want to be in the spotlight for, tragedy. It struck the Smith family earlier this month as every parentโ€™s worst fear; their 3-year-old son River passed away due to a drowning accident.

Granger announced the canceling of planned concerts after the incident and took to social media to explain. โ€œFollowing a tragic accident, and despite doctorโ€™s best efforts, he was unable to be revived,โ€ Smith wrote. โ€œAmber and I made the decision to say our last goodbyes and donate his organs so that other children will be given a second chance at life.โ€

Both Granger and Amber are so dedicated to their family. You can see this readily by watching how their video and social platforms encompass all aspects of the singerโ€™s life. From family photos at Halloween to videos incorporating all 3 of their kids, to their latest video stream called โ€œThe Smiths.โ€

Granger did an article in PEOPLE magazine in August and talked a bit about the little ones cameoโ€™s in his videos. โ€œTheyโ€™ve literally been watching mom and dad in these music videos since they were infants,โ€ he told the outlet. โ€œTheyโ€™re willing, and they want to, and they always want to be with us. There they are, and hey, you know, itโ€™s perfect. I guess itโ€™s just who I am. Family is everything to me.โ€

Just this past week, Granger and Amber opened up about into what has been happening since the unforeseen tragedy struck their household. They made a tribute video to showcase just how adorable, lovable, and thoughtful their little River was. You are going to want tissueโ€™s when you watch the home video. Itโ€™s heartbreaking.

In this video, it starts with them talking to the camera thanking all who have reached out and talking about how they will move forward. Granger includes โ€œLove those close to you, soak up those moments, live for today, live in the present, because weโ€™re not guaranteed tomorrow.โ€

He adds, โ€œWeโ€™re gonna search for every bit of good we can find in this situation, the worst situation that weโ€™ve been through, and weโ€™re going to constantly search for ways that good will come out of this, and thatโ€™s my commitment to Riverโ€™s legacy.โ€

He also talks about what happened on that awful day. He said he was in the yard with their seven-year-old daughter London while the boys were playing elsewhere. He said,โ€ I remember looking at London and thinking, โ€˜Soak up this moment because itโ€™s not going to last forever.โ€™ Somewhere between 30 seconds and three minutes, we donโ€™t know, Amber and I are inside our pool gate doing CPR on our son.โ€

He goes on to say the reason theyโ€™re doing the video is that theyโ€™re committed to each other, their family, and their faith.ย They also talked about how so many purchased the t-shirt in Rivers memory, and that proceeds will go to the Dell Childrenโ€™s Medical Hospital along with all donations. You can find all of that information by clicking on River’s tribute shirt.

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