We are super excited to interview Kristin Darnall-Titov, CEO of Hobby Horse Clothing Company, for her views on “not winning”. One would think that with over $130,000 in NRHA earnings including multiple aged event championships and two NRHA Non Pro Futurity Reserve Championships, Kristin, would know a thing or two about winning. However, she claims she does a lot more non-winning than winning. Check out the full interview below on what Kristin thinks it means to be a good non-winner.

Kristin Titov and her stud, Gunsup In Tinseltown
CLN: What is one thing that everyone should know going into a competition?
Kristin: Not winning happens to everyone. We tend to only see the wins and shining moments on social media, but everyone has had bad days, bad runs, and spells of non-winning. Always remember that it happens to the very best and it is going to happen to you as well.

Photo Credit to Kirstie Marie Photography
CLN: How can people move past not winning to better themselves and their mindset?
Kristin: Don’t dwell on failure — learn from it. I could think about each time I was a non-winner and be disappointed. Or I could move on from it with the lessons it taught me. With each time you don’t win, there is a lesson in it for you. You will be more prepared for the next challenge and will be able to pull from the new knowledge when you need it most.

Photo Credit to Kirstie Marie Photography
CLN: What is one thing you wish you had known when you started competing?
Kristin: Not to take things personally. It is easy to focus on your non-winning and let it get you down. The key is to review the run one time (ideally with an objective 3rd party) and discuss what went well and what didn’t. Take your learnings and figure out how to incorporate them into your next show. Then let the rest go.

Kristin in the Aiyana Show Blouse
CLN:Â What is something competitors should practice after every show regardless of the outcome?
Kristin: Stay positive. Don’t keep negative thoughts in your head. Tell yourself what you will do next time instead of focusing on what not to do. Don’t tell yourself to not run short. Instead, tell yourself, to run long. Negativity doesn’t help anyone.

Photo Credit to Kirstie Marie Photography
CLN: How can competitors support each other?
Kristin: Be a supportive friend to everyone. Don’t let your non-winning get in the way of you supporting your friends and fellow competitors. Whether you are a cheerleader, moral support, or help them in their routine, don’t let non-winning get in the way. At the end of the day people won’t remember you by your success in the show pen, they will remember who you were outside of it as well.
We truly loved having the opportunity to get Kristin’s view on how to be a good “not winner”. For more on Kristin and Hobby Horse Clothing Company, make sure to check out their website and their new spring line of show blouses. Thank you, Kristin, for being such a huge part of the western show industry!
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