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Bull Riding

Santa Barbara Old Spanish Days Stock Horse Show and Rodeo 2017

Rodeo fans all over California are invited to join in on the fun at the Old Spanish Days Stock Horse Show and Rodeo 2017 August 2-6!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]For rodeo fans in California, there’s no better event to attend than the Old Spanish Days Stock Horse Show and Rodeo 2017.  This year’s event, scheduled for August 2-6 at the Earl Warren Showgrounds, promises to be bigger and better than ever.  One of the most unique rodeos in the United States, this Santa Barbara rodeo is one that cowboys and cowgirls always love to attend.  Colorful and action-packed, this tribute to the Vaquero, America’s first cowboy, always keeps fans on the edge of their seats.  With media coverage from the Cowboy Lifestyle Network, Ak-Chin Indian Community, Earnhardt Auto Centers, and Papa John’s Road Team, there’s no doubt fans will have an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the thrill-packed action.
Old Spanish Days History
For 93 years, the Old Spanish Days Fiesta has let Santa Barbara residents celebrate the unique heritage that has made the city so special to so many over the years.  As family and friends come together to pay homage to those who made Santa Barbara what it is today, they also find themselves transported back in time to a much simpler way of life, where neighbors knew and helped one another.  Whether enjoying beautiful music, great rodeo action, or a local craft show, this event is truly something special.
Santa Barbara Rodeo
As is always the case with this rodeo, there will be plenty of exciting events to keep fans on the edge of their seats.  Some of the most popular events include:
–Steer Roping
–Barrel Racing
–Team Roping
–Ranch Horse Competition
–Breakaway Roping
Showcasing the best male and female rodeo competitors the PRCA and WPRA have to offer, the Santa Barbara Rodeo at the Old Spanish Days is truly one that’s well worth attending.
Ticket Information
As with most rodeo events across the United States, the Santa Barbara Rodeo is a family-friendly event that is very affordable.  General Admission prices for adults are just $20, while kids ages 11 and under can attend for only $10.  To purchase tickets, call the Earl Warren Showgrounds at 805-687-0766 or the Fiesta Rodeo at 805-588-4793.  
Plenty To See And Do
Whether it’s watching the jaw-dropping bull riding, attending a parade or concert, or just knowing your attendance is helping numerous charities such as the Tough Enough to Wear Pink in support of breast cancer, cowboys and cowgirls young and old will have a great time when they attend the Santa Barbara Rodeo held during Old Spanish Days.
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Peter the "Cowboy" is a gunslinger style writer from Bismark, North Dakota. Controversy is his middle name. He loves the cowboy lifestyle and being an American.

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