Total Feeds, Inc. Tuesday Q and A:
Q. Why are Total Feeds™ products in a 40 lb. bag?
A: Due to the nature of the volume of the extruded feed. A 50 lb. bag was too large to efficiently pallet and ship. Total Feeds™ products are 50-100% more digestible than other feeds which means your horse digests much more of the feed you paid for.
@TotalFeeds Q & A:
— Cowboy Lifestyle (@cowboylifestyle) September 8, 2020
Q. Why are Total Feeds™ products in a 40 lb. bag?
A: 50 lb. bag was too large to efficiently pallet and ship. Total Feeds™ products are 50-100% more digestible than other feeds which means your horse digests much more of the feed you paid for.

Last Updated on 09/08/2020 by Cowboy Lifestyle
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