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Total Feeds Insider: The One, The Only, Lari Dee Guy

Rodeo Celebrities

We are beyond excited to introduce our new interviewee for our Total Feeds Insider, the one, the only, Lari Dee Guy! Partnering up with this gal has been something for the books, not only because of who she is as a person, but what she stands for and what she has and is going to accomplish in the western industry. Check out our full interview with her below!

Total Feeds: Can you tell our audience a little about yourself? (Background, your history with rodeo, etc.)

Lari Dee: I grew up on a ranch in Abilene TX, my mom and dad both rodeoed, and my brother did as well. I competed at my first rodeo when I was probably 6 years old. Grew up going to the HARA junior rodeos. Then I moved on and went to college at Vernon Junior College and Texas Tech. Then I went to the professional level from there.

Total Feeds: How did you initially become involved in breakaway?

Lari Dee: I was involved because we live on a 10,000-acre ranch in Abilene, TX and I grew up ranching and always had a rope in my hand and roping was just always something I wanted to do.

Total Feeds: What’s it like being a full-time roper and coach?

Lari Dee: When I decided I wanted to make a living with my rope it was really kind of unheard of for women at that time and now its kind of become a reality. I think there should be more and more women who can be able to do that with the opportunities that we’ve been blessed with lately. There are so many people that go to work that don’t get to enjoy and love their jobs and my job is something that I love and get to do every day.

Total Feeds: What is something you want to instill in the kids you help?

Lari Dee: Gratefulness, thankfulness, and work ethic.

Total Feeds: You have been a huge part of why breakaway has grown and evolved so much and continues to be added to more and more PRCA rodeos. What does this mean to you?

Lari Dee: It’s great to see the opportunities that it’s going to have for women in roping. You know I’m kind of on my way out you could say, I’m almost 50 years old so it’s neat to say that maybe I’ve been a little instrumental in helping it get to where it is for the younger generation.

Total Feeds: What accomplishment are you the proudest of to date?

Lari Dee: It’s hard to pick anything in particular, they’re all unique and meaningful in their own way. Being able to win at the junior level, college level, and professional level, and continuing to be competitive. They’re all the same. Not one means more than the other.

Total Feeds: What is the best advice you can give aspiring breakaway ropers who look up to you?

Lari Dee: Set goals, never give up on them. If you can put in the hard work you can accomplish anything you want. As long as your grateful and give the credit to the people that have helped you to get to where you are and put in the work you can achieve anything you want to achieve.

Total Feeds: Where do you hope breakaway will be as a sport in 10 years?

Lari Dee: I feel Pro Rodeo needs another women’s event. I hope it does nothing but grow and give girls an opportunity to have another sport and give the young girls the opportunity to be fans of ropers like they are of Barrel Racers like Charmayne.

Total Feeds: Do you have any closing thoughts around breakaway or being a coach in rodeo that you’d like our audience to know?

Lari Dee: I want it to be another added woman’s event. I never want it to ever replace any of the events that are already in rodeo. If it weren’t for calf roping and team roping and people like my dad, we wouldn’t even have any breakaway roping.

You can catch more of Lari Dee on Season 3 of Rodeo Roundtable, along with Charmayne James, Fallon Taylor and Jackie Crawford.

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