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Wildland Firefighter Foundation: 52 Club Lifetime Membership

American Charities

Once again, Coors Banquet Beer, the Wildland Firefighter Foundation and the Cowboy Lifestyle Network are thrilled to come together and promote the 52 Club Lifetime Membership with the Protect Our West campaign.
wff_52_WebAd-360x420The Wildland Firefighter Foundation is a privately-supported organization that provides wildland firefighters and their families assistance due to injury or worse as a result of their firefighting duties. The 52 Club consist of members who want to ensure the good works of the foundation is preserved and that families who need support get it. Joining the 52 Club honors this country’s bravest, making sure that, at the worst of times, these families get medical attention, supplies or do not lose their homes.
Unlike many organizations of its type, this foundation doesn’t receive government funding. Their services extend to volunteers, agency and contract firefighters, equipment operators and more. The Cowboy Lifestyle Network and Coors Banquet have stood behind the foundation full force, ensuring that the wildland firefighting community — past, present and future — gets the help and recognition it deserves.
Challenge-Coins-The-52-CLub-WFFThe Wildland Firefighter Foundation was sparked in the mid-1990s when almost 50 wildland firefighters were lost in incidents while doing their job and there was no formal organization families could turn to. Though the firefighting foundation wouldn’t be official until 1999, it was in play for years, collecting and managing funds, getting them to the families of the injured and the fallen. Today, many of its employees consist of private sector professionals, the fire service community and survivor family members.
The 52 Club Lifetime Membership
Dependent solely on non-government funding, the Wildland Firefighter Foundation is thankful that entities like Coors Banquet and the Cowboy Lifestyle Network is ready to support their efforts, especially with promoting the exclusive 52 Club through print, radio, TV and Internet media campaigns. For only $1 a week, or a one-time $52 donation, you’ll support the foundation’s good works for a lifetime. Membership comes with a pin, patch and a helmet sticker. For a company to be listed, at least one employee name has to be attached to the membership. Memberships are PER INDIVIDUAL.
banner-52clubProtect Our West is a joint event. Coors Banquet Beer has long been an advocate for environmentally responsible action and recognizing our firefighting organizations. Another long time supporter of the firefighter, the Cowboy Lifestyle Network is the leading online resource for everything cowboy and Western-related. All involved are excited about the newest opportunities for letting the world know about the Wildland Firefighter Foundation and its 52 Club Lifetime Membership.

Last Updated on 04/11/2019 by Peter Varlet

CLN Community & Event Sponsor

About the Author:


Peter the "Cowboy" is a gunslinger style writer from Bismark, North Dakota. Controversy is his middle name. He loves the cowboy lifestyle and being an American.

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