From The CLN Family To Yours, We ALL Have A Lot To Be Thankful For Due To Our Troops!
A famous saying that one of our CLN Family members’ father embedded into ALL of us was F.C.F. “Family Comes First”. When you’re younger, you don’t realize how important your family is until one member or many members have suddenly been taken from you. In many cases due to war, this has happened all too often and leaves one alone and empty. That is why The CLN Family supports the Wrangler National Patriot.
CLN Host, Lisa Schneider-Cipriano is the daughter of Marine, James Robert Schneider, who served in Korea and received the Purple Heart on September 13, 1951. That day will forever live in infamy as her tough father served on the front line of North INJE Hill #762 and ran into oncoming fire to save the life of another. He too was hit by shrapnel in both of his thighs as he ran threw the crossfire to protect and rescue his fellow man. Suffering from PTSD due to the Korean War, Schneider has said over and over that he would do it all over again to save the life of another who fought for our freedom. At 19 years of age James Robert Schneider also went on to receive the Bronze Star with the “V” for Valor.
Honor, Respect, Bravery…The CLN Family is humbled and inspired at how Lisa’s father served The United States of America to allow us the freedom to live the way we choose to today. So please ‘Cowboy Up’ with The CLN Family and jump on board with the Wrangler National Patriot. Be apart of this campaign that provides funding and support for America’s wounded, our fallen soldiers and their families.
Some ways to participate are as follows:
- Attend Wrangler National Patriot Events
- Purchase Wrangler National Patriot Clothing
- Visit
Today, James, “The Marine” Schneider sleeps at Arlington National Cemetery under a big beautiful Oak Tree overlooking the Pentagon on Patton Drive (his favorite movie). We know he is happy there and wouldn’t want to be resting anywhere else. We are so blessed that he served us and our country all to protect our Freedom…because at the end of the day…We’re ALL Family!
Semper Fi!
CLN Community & Event Sponsor