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Agriculture Feature: Our Farms USA

Country Lifestyles

What started as a burger from a locally sourced farm has turned into a full fledged direct sales platform unlike anything the world has yet seen. Our Farms is a direct to consumer website that allows the general public to purchase meat, produce and other farm products directly from the farmers themselves. Robbie Dye, the founder of Our Farms USA, says, โ€œthe company started because I was at my grandparents house in Nebraska and my grandfather was grilling burgers with meat from a local farm up the street (Farmer Alan Estes from Stuart, Nebraska). I was obsessed and absolutely fell in love with these burgers. I often say that a cheese burger changed my life, because it truly has! It made me do a complete career redirect and I jumped head first into agriculture. I got online and tried to find โ€˜farms in Nebraska purchase beefโ€™ and I couldnโ€™t find anything outside of the big corporate companies. I couldnโ€™t find anything that allowed me to search for where I could buy directly from local farmers. My mind was blown. I could not believe that something like that didnโ€™t exist already and I immediately felt like there was a huge disservice being done to this community.โ€

In October 2022, Dye got to work on the idea that has now become a national endeavor. Robbie contacted his friend Tyler, who had heavy involvement in building the very first Amazon advertising agency in America, and couldnโ€™t stop talking about this idea he had. The two got to work on brainstorming and quickly built what is being released to the world today.

Our Farms USA already has over 3,000 farms on-board and ready to start selling direct to the general public. Two of those are the very first featured farms on the new website: Ayerโ€™s Valley Farm and D&D Beef. Ayers Valley Farm is located in Russellville, Ohio outside of Cincinnati. Taylor and Josh Ayers dreamed of a life full of family and farming. โ€œWhat started as an undiagnosed medical condition (in Taylor) quickly turned into researching how much the food that we fuel our bodies with affects us and how we should work with nature instead of against her. I tried finding good meat from the local grocery stores but the label claims and what the product actually was didnโ€™t match up. I was reading โ€œpasture raisedโ€ on the label but more research concluded it was a factory farm where animals had no access to truly be on pasture 100% of the time,โ€ Taylor states. From that, their farm was born and Taylorโ€™s issues resolved themselves once she started eating food they raised themselves.

D&D Beef, located in Herman, Nebraska (north of Omaha) specializes in pasture raised, grain finished beef. D&D was created by Dan & Duane, a father and son who have true passion for their cattle. Michaela, whoโ€™s now the face of D&D, works the farm with her family to provide โ€œregistered Angus and Red Angus beef consisting of superior genetics providing phenomenal flavor, marbling, and tenderness.โ€

In the past handful of years, weโ€™ve all heard stories of longing to be off-the-grid or at least self-sufficient by growing or raising our own food versus purchasing from corporate run companies. Our country is craving things that are real, honest and healthy- Our Farms USA has created an outlet to satisfy those needs and support our farming communities in a unique way that will benefit all.

Find out more about our featured farms:
Ayer’s Valley Farm:
D&D Beef:

Want to learn more about Our Farms USA or purchase farm direct goods?

About the Author:


Running on Dutch Bros coffee and my love of travel, Iโ€™m always up for an adventure. I believe in exploring new places and drunken nights around a campfire. Unpopular opinion or not, Cards Against Humanity is the best game ever created. @lindsiriancreative

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