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CLN’s PRCA Celebrity of the Month: Kassidy Dennison

CLN’s PRCA Celebrity of the month goes to Wrangler endorsee and Navajo cowgirl Kassidy Dennison from New Mexico, as she makes her 2014 Wrangler NFR debut.

Rodeo Celebrities

Kassidy Dennison Barrel Racing

Kassidy Dennison Barrel Racing

Wrangler endorsee and Navajo cowgirl Kassidy Dennison from New Mexico is making her first (WNFR) Wrangler National Finals Rodeo debut.ย ย  She is the first female Navajoย to qualify in the barrel race. “Derrick Begay was the first from our tribe to make it the Wrangler NFR. I think because we are so many (Native Americans) I represent more worldwide. My whole point was to inspire people from different reservations,” stated Kassidy.

Kassidy Dennison with CLN's Patrick "OD" O'Donnell at the 2014 Turquoise Circuit Finals in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Kassidy Dennison with CLN’s Patrick “OD” O’Donnell at the 2014 Turquoise Circuit Finals in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Dennison is no stranger to competition. She is the reigning 2013 Indian Rodeo Association Barrel Racing Champion.ย ย  Kassidy has won 8x Indian National Finals Rodeo (INFR) titles along with the 2010 National High School Rodeo Association Breakaway Roping Championship.
“It’s different coming from a reservation and our people are excited. They know how hard it is to survive on a reservation and the different struggles. It’s hard to explain unless you lived it,” she commented. Her grandmother raised sheep and she grew up helping out. Her work ethic is strong and she admits to putting a lot of sweat and tears into being a cowgirl.

Kassidy Dennison

Like Kassidy Dennisons Inspire Page on Facebook!

@KassidyDennison is on Twitter and on October 14, 2014 her tweet read. ” Thank you City of Gallup- Making November 1 #KassidyDennisonDay I am so honored #FlyLikeAnEagle #GoFastKass #nfr2k14
Fly Like An Eagle is a reference to her equine athlete, Eagle.ย ย  The duo are getting plenty of publicity with their own Kassidy Dennison Day and videos.

Cowboy Lifestyle Network asked her about the video on her Facebook page with teens dancing like eagles. “They are my cousins and they are so goofy. They are getting ready for the INFR and they are very excited for me,” she said. “They bought these eagle masks. I call them the little eaglets.ย ย  Our family is pretty funny, we try to keep it light,” Kassidy continued.

Kassidyat Dennison and her dad at the 2014 Turquoise Circuit Finals in Las Cruces, New Mexico

Kassidyat Dennison and her dad at the 2014 Turquoise Circuit Finals in Las Cruces, New Mexico

Kassidy remembers watching the Wrangler NFR on television as a small child and falling asleep before the barrel racing. She told CLN, “I would watch the Wrangler NFR and think, man that would be so cool to be there someday. I couldn’t’ stay up to late, I’d cry if they wouldn’t wake me up to watch the barrels.”

Team Dennison includes her parents, siblings, family members and boyfriend Clint Whipple. “When I got my truck there was about 5,000 miles and it’s got close to 70,000 now,” she said, “I was lucky this year to have my dad come with me all year. My mom would come with me whenever she’d get the chance.”

“The Wrangler NFR is huge, just competing all year against the different girls I’ve competed. It’s gonna be a really good horse race,” stated Kassidy.

Cowboy Lifestyle Network’s male PRCA Celebrity of the Month goes to bareback rider, Kaycee Feild. Read the full story here:ย

Go Fast Kass

Go Fast Kass


Last Updated on 05/09/2019 by Gretchen Kirchmann

CLN Community & Event Sponsor

About the Author:


Gretchen Kirchmann is a veteran journalist covering a variety of events across the country each year. She founded Kirchmann Media Group in 2009 and works as a marketing consultant with a forte for the western lifestyle industry, festivals, fairs and rodeo world. Her work includes 15 national communication awards plus coverage of Nashville's CMT Awards and CMA Fanfest. A favorite assignment was attending the all cast reunion of the Dukes of Hazard in 2006 and 2007 at Dukesfest. In December you will find her covering the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo and Miss Rodeo America pageant live from Las Vegas. Her favorite color is orange, favorite song "Rocky Top" and she loves to dance especially clogging.

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