Cowboy drinks are the kind of spirits that can put hair in between your toes, or what you might see a man in a cowboy hat drinking at the local bar. Below we have a few recipes from our friends at American Born Whiskey we thought we’d share with you along with a few other drinks you’ll typically find a true cowboy drinking.

CLN’s Patrick “OD” O’Donnell with Donna Keffeler and Pete Coors at Reno Rodeo 2019
Coors Banquet or Coors Light, but the vast majority of cowboys and cowgirls also drink whiskey and tequila (see “drinks” below):
Whiskey on ice
Straight tequila
Man on the Moon
- 12 oz American Born Moonshine Original
- .5 oz Fernet Branca
- 5 oz Galliano Ristretto
- 2 Dashes orange bitters
- A spoonful of Luxardo Maraschino Cherry Syrup
- Strip of orange zest and Luxardo Maraschino Cherry Syrup
Fill cocktail mixing glass with ice and all three spirits, bitters, and cherry syrup. Stir 15-20 seconds to chill before pouring into a chilled glass with ice. Express oils from orange zest over the glass before adding it and cherry to glass for garnish.
The Mickelson Mickey
- 2 oz American Born Moonshine Dixie
- 1 oz Homemade lemonade
- Fresh mint
- One mint sprig
- Muddle 2 big mint leaves in lemonade at the bottom old-fashioned glass- add ice. Pour Dixie over ice.
But if you’re looking for something to take you back to the actual Wild Wild West, then you might try these two drinks.
Cactus Wine made from a mix of tequila and peyote tea.
This was popular as well as something called a Mule Skinner made with whiskey and blackberry liquor. We’re not sure where you can actually find these two, but please let us know if and where you do, and we’ll join you for a drink!
And always drink responsibly (especially if you do find the Cactus Wine!)
Last Updated on 08/13/2019 by Erik Merkow
CLN Community & Event Sponsor