The 100th annual PRCA Crow Fair Rodeo and Crow Powwow is being organized by the Crow Nation via the Apsáalooke people of the Crow Indian Reservation located south of Hardin, Montana. The celebration will be held August 15 through August 20, 2018, again at Crow Agency, Montana, also known as the “Tipi Capital of the World.“
This is Montana’s largest Native American event and is one of the nation’s biggest powwows. It attracts over 50,000 participants and spectators who come from around the world. In addition to a four-day powwow, included will be a rodeo, parade, horse races, and much more.
Morning Parades
The parades start at 10:00 AM each morning and winds its way through the campsites. The Color Guard that leads the parade has active members of the armed services and retired veterans. Following the Color Guard are Tribal Officials, with the President carrying the American flag. It is interesting that many women ride in the parades on horseback with old-style saddles that are family heirlooms made of rawhide and bone.
Next are elaborately decorated trucks , cars, and trailers. Princesses aged preschool to 18 ride on horseback or in vehicles and wear traditional and elaborate dress, and there are contests for the best traditional dress in over six categories. There are also dance contests held throughout the week with participants ranging in age from preschool to elders to members of other tribes, all competing for substantial prize money.
Pow Wow
This is much like regular pow wows held in the west, except that there are more traditional dance styles. You can pick out the Crow tribe’s members from hundreds of dancers because the dress is the same as it was at the turn of the last century with the only additions being decorations.
The grand entry of the pow wow is led by the veteran honor guard followed by all the dancers who will participate in the contests. Competing drum groups take turns keeping the beat.
The rodeo is a daily feature at the Edison Real Bird Memorial Complex. It offers entertainment, professional Indian cowboys and cowgirls, fan favorite athletes, bull fighters, youth events, and more.
Media Team
Covering this PRCA Crow Fair Rodeo and Crow Powwow 2018 will be the Ak-Chin Indian Community, Earnhardt Auto Centers Road Team, and the Cowboy Lifestyle Network, which is the leading community and online source for everything Country and Western. You can get more information by visiting their website: https://cowboylifestylenetwork.com.
Plan to Attend
Make your arrangements and mark your calendar so that you don’t miss the exciting 2018 PRCA Crow Fair Rodeo and Crow Powwow.
Photos by: Gabe Lopez
CLN Community & Event Sponsor