What is the National Police Rodeo Association (NPRA)?
The National Police Rodeo Association is a non-profit organization that unites police officers, firefighters, and cowboys in the American sport of rodeo.
Learn About RodeoThe National Police Rodeo Association is a non-profit organization that unites the police office, the firefighter, and the cowboy in the all American sport of rodeo. For a number of days each year, these dedicated professionals come together to provide entertainment for others and to have some fun themselves. Now in addition to the current participating groups, retired and active military members can also join the organization.
NPRA Mission
The mission of NPRA is to honor great American traditions and the people who protect these traditions for everyone else. The police officer, those in the military and the firefighter are all American heroes who deserved to be honored. Having these impressive public servants participate in the grand tradition of rodeo makes for an exciting and moving show. These gatherings also emphasize the friendly and approachable nature of these men and women.
The Events
The show includes numerous traditional and non-traditional events, such as calf roping, barrel racing, chute dogging, and goat tying. Skill is absolutely needed in all of these categories, but hilarity results from some of them. Tying a goat is never easy. These showcases are family-friendly and bring together an enthusiastic public and their protectors. The police officer, the cowboy, the military and the firefighter are all American heroes working for the good of the nation.
The proceeds from the NPRA go to various charities such as NAHRA and Special Olympics. Members of this organization want to encourage “wholesome” values while pursuing some old-fashioned fun and helping others. Their particular emphasis is on children’s charities because they take their oaths to serve and protect seriously, even off the job. The children themselves love the rodeo, so the combination is a perfect blend of interests.
The festivities are scheduled throughout the year in both California and Nevada. Dates are listed on the NPRA website. This year’s schedule continues to evolve, so those interested in attending should frequently check for updates. For those living in or near California or Nevada, attending one or two rodeos is certainly doable.
The police, cowboy, military and the firefighter are all American heroes who have combined forces in a fun and charitable endeavor, the NPRA rodeo. Families find this show to be a wonderful mix of old and new events put on by the people they most admire, including the police officer. As a bonus, attendees are also aiding children’s charities, making their investment money well spent.
Last Updated on 04/08/2019 by Aaron Kuhl
CLN Community & Event Sponsor