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Serving Those Who Serve Using Rehabilitation Horses for PTSD Veterans


Andy Miritello and Whitney Reynolds

TRR (Trauma and Resiliency Resources Inc.) is a non-profit organization that is now working with and serving veterans who are struggling with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). The Mayo Clinic defines PTSD as β€œa mental health condition that is triggered by a terrifying event, either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. The symptoms get worse or last for months, or even years, and interfere with your functioning. Getting effective treatments after PTSD symptoms develop, can be critical to reduce symptoms and improve function.”
Fortunately, the Trauma and Resiliency Resources organization hosts seven day warrior camps to help heal warriors who suffer with PTSD. They have found tremendous success helping veterans, and active military cope and cure their PTSD through the utilization of rehabilitation horses.

Andy Miritello with Trauma and Resiliency Resources Inc.

One combat military veteran explains the intricacies of the therapy: The camp is divided into groups of people. At times, loners emerge. Interestingly enough, there are loners in the herds of horses as well, and they always find each other. The change in the mindsets of the PTSD victims occurs over time as they learn to become partners with the horses. They learn to not force the change, because the same reality of training horses and changing the mindsets of humans is that it has to be on their terms. Horses are one of the most honest animals because they respond exactly to what they feel, whether it be a heartbeat, breathing, or the way you look at them. Once the victims become part of the herd, the horses treat them as part of the herd.
Best of all, at the end of the seven day camp, the hardest of army rangers and marines have tears as they profess how the camp saved their life. Serving those who serve is important to the supporters at the Trauma and Resiliency Resources organization as well as the team at the Cowboy Lifestyle Network. If you are interested in helping those who suffer with PTSD through Trauma and Resiliency Inc., visitΒ
Special thanks to Jordy Pena for providing quality videography, photos and editing.

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I am a student at ASU Walter Cronkite studying mass communications. I enjoy being outdoors and everything technology has to offer.

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