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Legends of the Old West Podcast: Texas Rangers Episode 1

Legends of the Old West Podcast: Texas Rangers Episode 1

The stories of the legendary Texas Rangers have begun β€” A Tennessean named John Coffee Hays rises to prominence as the commander of the Texas Rangers. Tension rises between Texas and Mexico, the Rangers are on the front lines…

Country Living

TEXAS RANGERS β€” “A Captain Rises”

Legends of the Old West Podcast are excited to introduce the first episode in their new season, TEXAS RANGERS.Β Β  The people of Texas knew the name β€œTexas Rangers” long before the rest of the country. But by the late 1840’s, the country, and the world, had caught up. Under the leadership of men like John Coffee Hays, Samuel Walker, and many others, the Rangers became a feared fighting force and gained international fame.

Hear the story of the most feared and respected war Chief of his era on the high plains: RED CLOUD’S WAR

After the Texas revolution and the Great Comanche Raid, a Tennessean named John Coffee Hays rises to prominence as the commander of the Texas Rangers. Hays, along with captains Ben McCulloch, Samuel Walker and “Bigfoot” Wallace fights bandits in the Nueces Strip and Comanches on the frontier.

The rangers are on the front lines as Mexico sends hundreds of troops into Texas. Texas responds by sending the rangers to Mexico on the disastrous Mier Expedition. To find out how this story begins make sure to check out the full episode on Legends of the Old West Podcast, or listen & subscribe on your favorite podcast app.

Visit Black Barrel MediaΒ ( ) to discover their new series “Infamous America.” Their new podcast series explores the wildest and darkest chapters of American history. Season One features the tale of the Salem witch trials.

Now playing: Season Five

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Last Updated on 05/06/2019 by Black Barrel Media

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